Her New Job

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Cate - "Y/N, Edith guess what!"

"I just got cast in a new movie!"

Y/n - "OMG mom that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

Edith - "Yah mama, new mewvie"

Y/n - "So mom tell me everything"

Cate - "The movie is called Oceans 8, it is about of women who are stealing a necklace. I play a woman called Lou who works with the other women to steal the necklace."

Y/n - "That sounds awesome mom, who else has been cast?"

Cate - "Well actually I'm going to be working with alunite Sandy and Sarah."

Edith - "yeee auntie Sandy and Sarah"

Cate - "yes baby you'll get too see them a lot. Actually guys I have to talk to you about something. So because of this new job I will be gone a lot of the time filming. We will all be moving to New York and we will be living there. The set is child friendly so I can bring you guys with me all the time and you will be able to see your cousins Louis and Laila everyday. Does that sound good?"

Y/n - "YES! YES! YES! OMG I'm so excited I cant wait! Wait but mom what about school? I hate my school will I be transferring?"

Cate - "Well actually darling you could either transfer or move to online school if you would prefer that and then you could spend more time with me, but only if you would like to."

Y/n - "I would love that!"

Cate - "Great so that's settled. Ill sign you up for online school later and then we can begin to pack. Filming starts in 2 weeks so we best get sorted."


I've never felt more excited in my entire life. I can't wait to start online school and get away for all of the bullies at my old school. I cant wait to spend more time with my mom, my aunties and my cousins. I think this move will be for the best! I guess I still feel anxious but I hope this move will help with my anxiety.

Cates POV

I'm so glad that both of the girls took my news so well and I cant wait to start filming but I cant help but worry that the move could cause y/n's anxiety to spiral. What if it makes it worse? I really hope I'm doing the right this by moving my family to New York.

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