New Dynamics

42 9 49

February 17th, 2018

My parents had painted the house a pale yellow since I'd last been back. That was the first thing I noticed as Sebastian pulled up into his parents' driveway. I would have rather apparated straight into the backyard, but he insisted on driving the both of us from London, probably so he could pester me on what my plan was for talking with my parents. Or maybe so he could show off his very much improved driving skills. Probably both.

Unfortunately, my mind was too busy bubbling with a combination of nerves and remnants from the conversation that morning to compliment my childhood friend on his abilities. I had been tense ever since recounting my adventures to my four best friends who listened intently.

"So Uncle Harry let you become an auror, just like that?" Victoire had asked, once I had finished my story. Her eyebrows were knit together with a mixture of concern and confusion.

I nodded. "Technically, I still have to take the exams, but if all goes as planned, I should be able to start training this summer with the next group of trainees."

"Alongside me!" Teddy added, grinning widely. "When I pass all my N.E.W.T.s, of course."

"If you pass them, you mean," Charles teased, earning him an elbow to the side from Teddy.

Elinor rolled her eyes. "You guys are missing the point," she groaned, putting on a serious expression. "Alex, you really think this prophecy has something to do with what's been happening at Hogwarts? With that girl, Astra?"

Four pairs of eyes watched me with intensity as I answered. "Maybe," I breathed after a moment's pause. "I don't know exactly but the timing's too convenient to be overlooked. And I don't believe in coincidences."

As we considered this new development, laughter and footsteps resounded from outside in the snow. Teddy glanced through the window and reported it was only a couple throwing snowballs at each other. We all knew they wouldn't come in; no one ever came into the Shrieking Shack but us, even when Charles and I were still in school. Something about the old creepy shack kept curious students away and weird people like us (who knew the truth about the place) coming back to have secret meetings and gradually repair the crumbling insides.

"Well when we finally make it through this terrible year," Victoire stipulated, "I guess I'd like to keep finding out more about this journal and this prophecy."

"And this Astra Lewis," Teddy added, stroking his chin. "I mean, she seemed pretty normal when I met her at Christmas. But I don't really know much about her, aside from what James and Albus have told me. And the gossip that's been swirling around the school - which I wouldn't exactly call reliable."

"And I wouldn't mind becoming an auror either," Elinor proclaimed, to everyone's surprise. "After graduation. Even though it's overrated," she quickly clarified.

"Plus, we could figure out how all this might relate to the Cursed Vaults and the other leads you've investigated, Alex," Charles eagerly remarked, referring to the trip I had taken to Romania (among other places) a few months back.

So we all agreed to continue following the narrative until it revealed something that would make us confident the prophecy referred to current events. I recalled the prophecy once more: Foreign foes lurk in the shadows as history repeats itself. Yet one will rise like the stars in the midst of the night.

"When history repeats itself," I pondered aloud.

"What did you say?" Sebastian asked me, jolting me out of my thoughts. He had opened the passenger door for me and was presently waiting for me to exit the car.

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