Another Weasley

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July 23rd, 2017

The warm air lighted on my skin the moment I appeared on the towering overlook, clutching a portkey that looked like a rusty spoon. Already, I could see dragons circling the skies.

I had just arrived in Romania, not yet three weeks after my last term at Hogwarts had ended. True to his word, Professor Potter had connected me with several members of his family, starting with Mr. Bill Weasley, Victoire's father. He taught me a multitude of things about traveling the world and wizards beyond England, but it was the next oldest Weasley brother who was the first to extend to me an invitation.

It was this red-headed wizard who now stood before me, anticipating my arrival.

"Alexis, welcome to the best place in the wizarding world!" He flashed me a kind smile while turning to gesture to the mountains around us. His long hair was tied back and swished against his back. He was over twice my age, but his face still shone of that wonder I would see on the faces of first-years entering the Great Hall for the welcome feast.

I smiled back at him, excited to explore the rolling landscape. "Mr. Weasley—" I started, but was quickly interrupted.

"Please, call me Charlie or Charles – whichever, just not 'Mr. Weasley.'" The seasoned dragonologist repeated his name in a spot-on imitation of Professor McGonnagall. I chuckled, despite myself.

I definitely couldn't call him Charles. That name only reminded me of a certain red-headed wizard back in London who must have just started his auror preliminary exam. The same friend who, along with Elinor and Teddy and Victoire, I had left behind in a rush. They would definitely be angry at me for not waiting for them, but I decided I would just apologize profusely when I got back.

"So Charlie," I tried again, feeling a bit weird about it, "thanks for inviting me here to the Sanctuary on such short notice."

"Oh, my pleasure," he replied. A wide grin still covered his freckled face as he led us towards the main gate ahead. "I'm just glad you were able to make it before the gate closes for hatchling season tomorrow."

On impulse, I discretely patted my cloak pocket, making sure the journal was still there. "Yeah, lucky I got your owl just in time," I agreed.

"Well then, allow me give you the grand tour."

Several – and I mean, several – dragon-watching stops later, we finally returned to the Sanctuary's central village, constructed especially for those who lived at the reserve and studied dragons full-time. Some of the buildings were houses or offices, while the one we were walking into was a huge dining hall built directly into one of the cliffs. Probably to keep the dragons from breaking in.

"You really haven't heard of it?" I stared incredulously at Charlie while spooning beans onto my plate.

He rubbed his beard. "It must not have been made back when I was living at the Burrow, otherwise my dad would have shown it to me." He guided me to one of the many long tables stretched out across the room. Other colorful residents were scattered across the room, laughing and eating their lunches. Each of them looked like they could wrestle a dragon and win – most of them probably had. "What was it called again?" Charlie asked.

"How to Train Your Dragon," I answered. "It's basically a movie about your life, minus all the magic. I'll have to send you a copy when I get back."

He shrugged, like it didn't matter whether I did or not. Maybe he just didn't want to bother figuring out how to work a dvd player. We both munched happily on our food before Charlie spoke again. "So, what'd you think? Think you wanna spend your whole life here?" Despite his teasing grin, I could tell he was completely serious.

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