He tilted his head checking me softly with a bit lip making my cheeks fluster...


"I got the ice-cream," he kicked his dorm's door shut with two packages in his hands and spoons. It's only been three days and we're already eating in each other's rooms. "Oh god, from where did you get those," i held a hand to my chest.

He had me stay in his hoodie above my tank top. Staying with Damon wasn't actually that bad. It wasn't what everyone thought he was. He wasn't mean, he wasn't toxic. He wasn't messing with my head, but he still didn't kiss me. But it's fine, we've been hanging out for three days only.

"The kitchen," he furrowed his brows in confusion like it was too damn obvious. "Don't look at me like that, i have never been there," I argued slapping my thigh whilst sitting on his bed.

"You want to escort me tomorrow?" He tilted his head to the side smirking, my heart skipped as many beats as it can imagine. "What fun could be there?" I pushed my lips out acting like I don't know the exact fun there.

"They keep all the great food there," he shrugged before throwing himself on the bed and handing me the bigger pack. "You sure you don't want this?" I knitted my forehead. "I don't like vanilla," he tapped my pack with his spoon.

I parted my lips inhaling then nodded. Vanilla ice-cream. Damon, you dirty little thing. My cheeks blushed again before he scoffed after opening his pack.

"You should stop doing this you're getting a little too old and beautiful for it." He held the index of the hand holding the spoon. Beautiful?? Awww baby!

"For what?" I shook my head keenly. "Blushing, you blush all the time." He slapped his thigh before i widened my eyes. "Oh you saw that?" I swallowed before he giggled and dear lord.

This was my favourite sound ever to hear. Better than music and all the soothing voices was his laugh. I bit my lip before stabbing the ice-cream. "Don't get me wrong you look adorable when you blush, it's just that I can't have my heart melting more often." He stretched his legs turning his head to me and staring into my exposed eyes and ruby face.

I noticed his sucked in lip and his laugh on edge before i started smacking his chest and he let it out. "Well, you. stop. flirting with me." I widened my eyes before averting from him staring at the glistening fireplace while chewing on the ice-cream.

I crossed my legs flattening my leg thick above the other. I noticed his glare at them then up again at me. "You chew?" He widened his eyes with a terrified expression on his face.

I realised that he was almost actually scared before turning quickly to him. "I don't eat it otherwise," i hid my mouth filled with white with my palm. "No, no! That's unacceptable. You suck you don't chew. This is illegal." He filled his own spoon with some coffee ice-cream from his pack then moved it to me.

"Don't chew, suck it." He demanded with wide blue eyes. "I can't." I shook my head. "Do it," he hurled the spoon in my mouth before i started sucking on the sweet stinging taste of coffee. "Good girl," he smiled causing butterflies to flash into my body.

And there we go again with the inside fights. My heart: no, but like yes, didn't Riddle used to call us that. My brain: yeah but he's dead i guess this one is better. My heart: don't be mean, he might not be but it's okay to shoot shots.

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