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Ushijima Wakatoshi the Schwaiden Adlers volleyball player is on his way to go back home that evening, even though he is so damn hungry. He ended up in the situation because he didn't take his lunch. Well he loves his volleyball so much after all. He didn't even care to go to the nearest restaurant to filled his precious hungry stomach. He do want to go during his way to go home but it's already late. He doesn't want to make a certain person worry about his well-being because he came home late.

5 minutes later he arrived at his home which is actually an apartment, he park his car at the car parking and make his way to the lift. It took awhile to really reach his apartment lobby but it's okay at least he still can act natural despite his hungry stomach.

Time skip
(He's already in front of his apartment door)

Ushijima unlock the door and enter his apartment.

"Tadaima. Where are you Hitoka?"

He looks for a certain person that lives along with him in the apartment. That certain person is Yachi Hitoka AKA his girlfriend since he is still a university student in his 3rd year. Yachi started to live with him on their 3rd years of been together.

He called her name but still she's not answering and decided to go to his bedroom to search for her. His stomach started to make a displeasure sounds that alarming his belly needed to be filled with food. He sigh and enter the room and already detect a figure sleeping nicely on the bed. He approach the sleeping figure and started to lay down beside her. His body feels tired and lazy all of a sudden when he saw her sleeping soundly and he pulled her close to his chest just to hug her sleeping form. Ushijima forgotten about his hunger for awhile, while he hugged Yachi that still sleeping.

The whole 2 minutes Ushijima just staying still with the position still holding Yachi, he even give Yachi a peck on her forehead. While he inhale Yachi's hair scent, he started to feel a move in his arms which means the girl started to awaken from her slumber.

"You've back already Wakatoshi-kun?"

He hum as a response to her question.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I don't want to disturb you."

"I still can get a nice night sleep you know."

He just shrugged it off. They still in a snuggling position. Ushijima still not attempt to get her up nor want to let her go. He just still hugging her. Yachi also seems to not mind with his antic anyway. She accepted the hug gladly and snuggle more with Ushijima.
A weird sound started to disturb their time which is comes from Ushijima's hungry stomach. His belly growling again for a second time and Yachi chuckle a little.

"Wakatoshi-kun, are you hungry?"

Yachi smile to him, he started to get embarrassed a bit because of his hunger that he forgot about awhile ago.
He is not answering Yachi's question due to his embarrassment.

"It's okay. I already prepared something for you."


"It's fine, this is what I should do here. I wanted to take care of you."

Ushijima smile to Yachi, he is glad he did found someone like her that who will not turn him down when he needed her the most.

"Get up, you need to take a bath first. I'll wait for you in the kitchen."


Yachi pull his hands when she saw him not making a single move from the bed. He moved away from the bed when he saw Yachi struggling to get him up. He chuckled at her and she's pouting at him.

"You shouldn't have to force yourself like that."
He still chuckle at her.

"Stop teasing."

"Well I'm not, but I'm already got up."

"Yeah right."

Yachi smile to him, he also returned the smile she give him and grabbed his towels  before pinching Yachi's nose.
Her nose started to get red a bit because of his actions. He let a soft laugh escape his lips. But his stomach betray him again, he quickly walk into the bathroom while Yachi laugh teasingly at him. He surely embarrassed again because, he knew his stomach won't stop growling if he's not filled it with food. AND of course, Yachi will continue teasing him because of it.

•746 words•

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