.5 - Oopsie

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"Destiny is a gift..."



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The wind whipped by as raindrops fell onto your face. Your eyes winced as you tried to make out all the foggy silhouettes of street lamps and trees nearby. You held your umbrella close to you but it was no use. There was no point even trying to hold it. The rain was directly hitting you in the face and the strong gusts of wind kept holding you back. It was as if you were a feather that was going to fly off at any moment.

You huffed at yourself for even going out in the middle of the night in the first place just for a pack of Caprisun.

You thought to yourself beforehand, 'Oh, the grocery store is not that far! I'll just bring an umbrella just in case, I'll be fine!' Yeah, right.

You didn't expect the weather to be this strong, even the forecasts didn't predict this. You also didn't expect the Caprisun box you held underneath your armpit to be so heavy.

You felt like you were so close to home. A shiver went down your spine as a cold breeze whizzed past you.

You had a bad feeling.

You gulped as you waited at a crosswalk, pressing the worn-out button. There weren't many cars out because of this strange storm but you didn't want to risk anything. You waited for a while until the light across the street prompted you to walk.

Carefully, you looked both ways before crossing. You breathed out causing a misty cloud to appear in front of you.

Jeez, it was perfectly fine this morning why-

You suddenly turn to see bright headlights coming right towards you. Your breath hitches; in this moment you were quite literally a deer in headlights.


The car tries to swerve past you as you hear a repetitive beep from the driver's car. It happened so fast, you didn't have a chance to even runoff. You feel the impact of the car and its hot engine hitting you suddenly.

'' Fantastical '' - Jim Lake Jr. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now