two (2)

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june 13th

*wilhelm's point of view*

i was on the phone with simon in the car after a destination meeting on my way to another.

"please don't hate me for this."

he groaned.

"you can not preface conversations with that."

"sorry. but this is important."


i sighed.

"you know how you're coming over this weekend?"


"there is a gala on friday."

"a what?"

"a gala."

"what the fuck is a gala?"

"like a party. just a really fancy party with expensive liquor and important people."

"so does that mean i can't come?"

"oh no. not at all. it actually means you have to come."

he groaned.

"that makes it sound so much less fun."

i frowned even though he couldn't see it.

"i know."

"do i need to get there earlier or later now?"

"nope. 11 is good."




"i'm sorry."

"i know."

"you might have fun."

he laughed sarcastically.

"i will not have fun."

"you're very grumpy today."

"i just woke up. and i'm hungry. and you just gave me bad news. so yes, i'm grumpy."

"i wish i could hug you right now."

"don't say that. because then i'll be sad and grumpy i won't be able to talk to anyone for the rest of the day."

i stopped talking.

when i looked out the window, i saw that we were pulling into a parking lot. and there were paps. hundreds. security was trying to clear them out, but they wouldn't budge. i have no idea how they knew i was coming here. i didn't even know i was coming here.

"oh what the fuck."


"there are people everywhere."

"where are you?"

"i don't know. we have meetings here sometimes."

"have they ever showed up here before?"

"no. never. i don't even know how they found out this is where i'm going."

the car was parked now.

"you have malin, right? and there's other security?"

"yeah. i'll be fine."

"do you want me to stay on the phone with you until you get inside?"

"yes please."

when i got out of the car, people screamed. there's been articles and reports going out like crazy over the last few days over the picture i posted. i got over 100,000 new followers in a day, which is just like woah.

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