Chapter Six:AMA's- part 2

Start from the beginning

Even thoughts was dark I saw the big smile on his face and the lust and want in his eyes. Psh, nah, I'm imagining things.

"...You better Werk!" I sang the last verse, my two dancers came to my side. They're facing the opposite, which is behind me. They have a hand on my hip and the other to their side. They're facing me and I'm facing the audience. The crowd was cheering so loud, that I almost went def.

"Give it up for, MICHELLE CARTER!!" the DJ cheered and then all lights went off.


"Hurry if you wanna go to after party Michelle." said gabby.

"I'm coming gabby." I said walking back to my dressing room. I quickly changed into my black dress and fixed my hair.

"Ready?" asked gabby twisting the doorknob. I nodded and followed her.

I was so busy texting Jen that I bumped into somebody.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized, bending to pick up my phone.

When I was about to grab it the guys hand went over mine. Immediately some kind of shock went through my body.

I looked up and came face to face with Justin. I grabbed my phone and stood up brushing some invisible dirt off my dress.

"I'm so so sorry." I apologized once again.

" it's okay. Don't worry." he said looking deeply into my eyes. I looked away and saw that gabby was nowhere to be found.

"Err, I have to go, bye." I said and started waking to the exit. 'Argh, Michelle what did you do? Oh yeah leave him standing there like an idiot.' I chuckled at foolishness.

"Where were you? You had me crazy scared!" gabby said engulfing me into a hug.

"I'm fine, I just bumped into Justin and lost track of time." I explained. She nodded and led to the limo.



The music is blasting, playing hit songs. I was on my table with Gabby,Jo, and an empty seat.

"Michelle, sweet heart go have fun. C'mon you work your butt off every day- it's time for you to have some fun." Gabby said.

"Yeah, you should go and dance." said Jo bitting his chicken wing.

"you really want me to go dance, or you want me to go dance so you can eat my chicken wings?" I asked grinning.

"Can I?" he said. His eyes shining like a puppies.

I chuckled and nodded. He quickly grabbed the basket and started digging in. I looked at Gabby, who had a disgust face.

"Gabby... You alright there?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, you go ahead and have fun." she said. I chuckled and headed to the dance floor.

"Hey." said a sweet voice conning from behind me. I turned around and saw Taylor Swift.

"Hi." I said.

"Its your first award show right?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty fun."

"Yeah, it is, you want t dance" she asked.

"Yeah, sure." I replied. We went to the dance floor and started dancing. We danced to some Malaysian music and pop, and some electric stuff.

"You're a pretty good dancer." she said when we got to the fruit punch waterfall.

"haha thanks. Your also a great dancer." I complimented. I mean she might be eleven years older than me but, the girls got some moves.

"Thanks." she said handing me a cup of punch, the smile that she once had was gone. I looked at what she was staring but didn't see anything.

"What's wrong?" I asked."You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said looking up at her.

She smiled and said," it's nothing. Just Slutena, rubbing her boobs in Harry."

"If she has some," I muttered.

"HAHAH! Nice one." she said.


"Home sweet home." I sighed. "I'm home mom!!" I yelled and headed up to my room.

I took off my heels and dress. Took a long warm shower and went to bed. I checked twitter and saw something that just completed my day. I have no Idea why- but it just did.

@MichelleCarter You & @justinbieber would make such a cute couple! #Justelle #Jichelle

I smiled and tweeted to my fans. @MichelleCarter: Tired but worth it. Thank you guys. & heads up for some touring :)

I tweeted it and just like I expected it. I had about millions of likes and retweets,Some follow me please gorgeous, and I Love You's. My fans are amazing. I followed as many as I could and then put my phone away.

I laid down and drifted off to sleep slowly. Another day awaiting.  


Here's part two. Hope you liked it. Comment + Vote for more.

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