Chapter 24: Period Cramps.

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Your Pov:

The next morning, you awoke to blood on your bed sheets. The sight shocked you, causing you to gasp as you stepped back, falling back into the window that was facing your side of the bed. It caused a loud noise, which woke Jack up. "Y/n? Are you okay?" he asked as he got up and came over to you. "Y-yeah I'm fine, I just tripped." You answered. He gave you a confused look before turning around to see the blood on the bed. "I'm sorry Jack, I didn't mean to-." You started, before being interrupted by Jack. "Y/n it's fine, you started your period, it happens." He said as he took the mattress cover off the bed. "I'll go get some pads for you from the store, want anything else?" He asked as he exited the room. "Nah I'm okay, but comfort food wouldn't be such a bad thing." You replied, causing him to chuckle as he came in. "Comfort food it is." He said as he put his shoes on. "I'll be back soon, you stay here and relax." He said, kissing your forehead. "You're the best." You added as he walked out the room. "Love you!" He said as he went out the front door.

About 25 minutes later, Jack got back and came straight to the bedroom and gave you a bag full of chocolate. "Hot coco and a hot water bottle?" He asked, holding up galaxy flavor coco. "Yeah please." You smiled as he went to the kitchen. Your cramps were causing you a lot of pain. "Be careful, these are really hot." He said as he came back into the bedroom with two cups of hot coco. He placed them on your bedside table and looked up at you. "Thanks Jack." You smiled. "No problem." He winked back at you, walking back to the kitchen to get your hot water bottle. "You okay?" He asked as he handed it to you. You cringed in pain as you placed it on your stomach. "Yeah, I'll be fine, it happens every month." You replied, forcing a smile. "That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like a bitch." He replied, making you chuckle. "Yeah, it does hurt like a bitch." You added. "But hey! At least I'm not pregnant." "Yeah, I guess that's a good thing." He replied, before he looked at you. "Would you like to have children in the future though?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess I wouldn't mind a mini me or a mini you running around." You answered, making him laugh. "Yeah, I'd like that too." He said as he places his arm around the back of you and pulled you onto him, cuddling you. "Marriage first though." You added, smirking at him.

A few hours later, your cramps had started to ease and Adam and Ryan were coming over. "You sure you don't mind them coming?" Jack asked you. "Jack it's fine, don't worry about me." You sighed. "Well if you're sure. If you need any cuddles though, I will kick them out for you." He answered as he opened the front door, revealing Adam and Ryan's smiling faces. "Hey guys!" Jack said as he let them in. "Hi Jack, hi y/n." Adam said. "Hey Adam, Hi Ryan." You replied. "Hi y/n!" Ryan replied, smiling at you. They came into the living room and Ryan and Jack started writing more music. "Need me to do anything?" Adam asked the pair after about half an hour. "Nah we're good." Ryan replied. Adam turned to you. "What do you guys want for dinner? I'll go get it whilst you're writing." "How about KFC?" Jack replied. "Yeah okay." Adam replied, standing up. "I'll come Adam." You said. "Okay." He replied, opening the door for you.

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