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I was a wild child 
Not knowing where I was going to end up the next night
Scared the police were going to catch me

You walked in and I turned around
I turned my life around 
I started going to church again

I started making my life a better place
I wasn't reckless anymore
You miss the person I used to be

You thought I was that person
I changed so I could make room for you
But you didn't want that

I misled you thinking you were going to get a party girl
What you got was the girl who stayed home
The girl who wanted to make her life stable

We both misled each other 
Into the darkness, we both went
I changed and you stayed behind

I thought I had forever this time
Just by the way you looked at me
Should have known better 

I look back at the pictures of us
The way you looked at me 
The way you blushed whenever I kissed you

I thought you were my person 
I thought you were my future
The person sitting next to me in a rocking chair

The person my kids would have called dad
Now, you're the person I will tell my daughter the story of 
When she is crying on the bathroom floor

You misled my heart six feet in the ground
You never brought flowers 
Just left me there to break until I couldn't anymore

One of us grew up and one of us didn't
I grew up and wanted to raise a family
You just wanted the newest nerf gun

I wanted to stay home on the couch
You wanted to party with your friends
Our plans didn't collide

You didn't want to compromise
I would have if you just asked
I should have known better

You shut down and pushed me out
I stood there with open arms 
Until I couldn't anymore

I would've done everything to save us
I just couldn't be the only one fighting
You gave up the fight 

You are scared of what the future brings
I cannot wait to see what it has to hold
Just it won't be for us anymore

I'll leave the past in the past
The only way to go on is to move forward
You broke my heart in two 

I rebuilt it better than before
Guarded by six-foot walls
You'll never make it back in

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