Chapter 47 - Crossroads

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[y/n] could only stare at the villain as everything around him seemed to fade into background noise.

"I've also been paying attention to you," the man said and he took one step forward while [y/n] took one step back. "It's not that hard considering you've been making quite a reputation for yourself."

Shut up.

"A boy with such powerful skills and an amazing quirk, yet doubt still lingers in the hearts of the people."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"All because of a condition that wasn't in his control."

[y/n] froze as every single memory came up from his childhood came up, all of the bad and none of the good. The way he was excluded from every group just because he couldn't talk. The way older kids bullied him because he was small and weak. Every appointment with a doctor, quirk specialist, clinic, just to figure out why he couldn't talk.

It was just too much.

"No one wants a crybaby hero who can't even talk!"

"Could you even become a pro if you couldn't talk?"

"You'll never be a true hero."

"At least I can say something."

Those last words hurt.

Everything hurt. His whole body was in pain both literally and physically as the back of his throat closed up just thinking about it.

"I can make it all go away."

[y/n] looked up to see the man a few feet away. His voice was... comforting. Every bone in his body screamed to run away, fight, do something.

But he was tired.

So tired of everything that's happened. Was that their plan? To continuously breakdown his walls until he was defenseless? If so, that was a pretty effective plan.

"A perfectly fine boy, yet ruined by the society that has this image of what a hero should be." The man held out his hand towards to boy but this time, [y/n] didn't move away as he stared at the outstretched hand. "I can make what you wish into reality, all you have to do is accept."

The boy could only stare at the hand in front of him with a blank expression as his mind was at war with itself, arguing on the path to take.

Time suddenly came to a standstill as [y/n] brought up his clean hand and slowly reached out to the hand with uncertainty flowing through his body. Was this it? Was this really how his life was going to go?

Did he really wanna become a villain?

Suddenly, the answer to his previous question came to mind.

"You're the coolest person I know and you love to help people!"

[y/n]'s hand froze as the voice in his head that seemed to overpower all other arguments continued.

"Who cares if you can't talk? That doesn't change the fact that you wanna be a hero doesn't it?" He looked to the side to see a small kid, staring at him with red eyes smiling it him, extending his pinky finger. "You told me that I'm your number one hero, right? Then promise me you'll be my number two. When I officially become the number one hero, I want you there by my side."

Right... I became a hero because of a promise. Ironic how the person who's words hurt the most is the reason he became a hero. [y/n] looked at the same spot again to see that the boy had disappeared before leaving an empty place in his heart.

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