Chapter 18 - Unpredictable

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"Bakugo, that must've been hard to play the villain," Sero said as Katsuki walked towards his seat.

"Because of that strange pairing, you were quite the villain," Tsuyu croaked.

"Shut up!"

"I thought the real villain was [y/n] after that look he gave the crowd while holding that knife." Denki shivered at the thought of remembering the face the brunette made which prompted the boy to roll his eyes and shake his head. "I wasn't gonna kill anyone... I think."

Katsuki scrunched his eyebrows together before taking a seat beside the brunette, "The fuck do you mean by that?"

[y/n] waved it off in hopes of changing the topic, "Did you go to recovery girl? That explosion must have hurt."

Katsuki shook his head while staring at the arm wrestling match that was happening on the stage. "No, and don't tell me that I'm overusing my quirk 'cause you're the last person I wanna hear that from."

The brunette chuckled and began playing with the blonde's hand and massaging it. He always did like the feeling of Katsuki's hands. It was rough due to his quirk but he didn't mind, and based on how Katsuki didn't pull away, he probably didn't give a shit that [y/n] was doing it... that or he couldn't move his arm even if he wanted to.

Katsuki stared at the boy who was playing with his hand and massaging it. It was always something he did after Katsuki did intensive training with his quirk to alleviate the recoil his muscles went through from all those explosions. The feeling was... nice. But was he ever gonna admit that out loud? Hell no.

"The seventh match ended in a draw, so what will be the result between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's arm wrestling match?"

Suddenly Kirishima managed to overpower Tetsutetsu and slam his arm down to the side. "The winner is Kirishima! He advances to the second round!"  The two boys shook hands on the stage as it was now time for the second round matches.

[y/n] gave a gentle squeeze to the blonde's hand before standing up. As much as he wanted to watch Todoroki and Izuku's match from the bleachers, he had to prepare for his next fight with Iida. The boy gave a wave to his classmates before heading off to the waiting room while thinking of a strategy.

This was gonna be a tough battle since he usually had speed to make up for his lack of power. This wasn't the first time he'd have to fight someone physically stronger than him but someone faster too? [y/n] sighed as he turned the corner and bumped into someone. He really needed to watch where he was going more.

"Wah! Sorry [y/n], I didn't see you there."

The boy opened his eyes to see Uraraka in front of him giving him a small bow, the boy shrugged at the gesture and signed out of habit. "It's my fault so don't worry about it."

Uraraka stared at the boy for a few seconds and rubbed her neck, "I should probably ask Deku to teach me more sign so I could understand more ehe."

The boy smiled at what the girl said and got his notepad from his belt and started writing, You did great in your match! Your strategy was pretty good.

Uraraka gave a small smile and looked down avoiding eye contact with the boy. "Thanks [y/n], but it wasn't good enough for me to win."

[y/n] widened his eyes and internally panicked since it seemed like she was about to cry. The boy immediately went to a new page and started writing. Don't put yourself down like that, besides, it's not like Katsuki left unscathed.

The boy showed it to Uraraka before flipping to a new page, You're strategy was amazing, better than anything I would have come up with. Even Izuku was surprised at it.

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