Quirk - Bubble Breath

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This quirk allows the user to breathe bubbles that are made up of the gas in their lungs mixed with their bodily fluids. The more breath they suck in and blow back out, the bigger and stronger these bubbles can be, just as a tiny puff of air would create a small, frail bubbles. The larger bubbles are capable of holding small to medium sized objects (you can change that if you want) but smaller bubbles can't hold anything and are really just there for the aesthetic. (You are free to manipulate whether this quirk is on at all times or if it can be turned on and off, Incase you don't want them to consistently breath out bubbles.)

Best suited for - Generalist heroes (the quirk is too broad to put into one category)

- Quirk Type - Emitter

- Drawbacks - This can cause a lack of air in the users lungs and give them lung cramps (idk what they're actually called but that sharp pain you can feel in your lungs.) Worst case scenario, the user has asthma 😃✌️

Possibile Hero/Villain Names -

Aqua-Blast: The Bubble Trouble Hero/Villain

Or, if you're an idiot like me, you could just name them after one of the bubble guppies

Bnha Quirk Ideas (Will never be finished I just keeping adding onto it)Where stories live. Discover now