Chapter Two: The Consequences

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Enjoy! <3

            Aelin leaped off the side of the tower, spreading her wings as she dove, and Fenrys chuckled to see Whitethorn run to the side of the tower, looking like he was going to try to kill her, and then the King of Adarlan as Dorian did the same, his wings icy in color and iridescently shining in his wake. 

          Fenrys had realized the moment she had winked at him what she was doing to do, and when Dorian had came back, he had known even further what his best friend was planning. Then Fenrys realized he should probably start fighting, and ran down the towers stairs, gave up, and jumped out the window. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gavriel's POV brought to you by her Highness~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Three people. THREE people, had jumped out of the humongous tower that was easily taller than the torre cesme, ONE of which had no wings! And it was then that he looked out of the window and saw two people with wings...The White Wolf was not one of them. 

        Gavriel scanned the ground and found the troops and soldiers already prepared, and then the sky, where Aelin, Dorian, Rowan, and... Was that the White Wolf of Doranelle!? He looked closer and yes, it was him, somehow portal surfing on the waves of the Queen of Terrasen's  golden sunshine. 

         There was another roar and a singular coven emerged, the familiar lead wyvern's wings shimmered with spidersilk...

~~~~~~~~~~~~The Fire Breathing Bitch Queen Herself brings you  Dory's POV...~~~~~~~~~~~

           As Aelin summoned more ice to the water sea dragons armor, and then a whip of  darkness and shadowed death coated in a thin layer of golden light, Dorian saw the lead wyvern and immediately froze, as it's spidersilk wings caught the light and the Manon Blackbeak listed, and then fell from her wyverns saddle. 

        As if underwater, he heard himself screaming not to shoot, and then a portal opened beneath the witch as she disappeared and then reappeared in Fenrys Moonbeams arms... who was all of a sudden right next to him. 

       At that moment, Manon's wyvern was gliding down to them with Aelin on its back, then Fenrys and Manon as well. The rest of the coven flew on either side of them in an arrow formation, and Dorian glided alongside them.

        His thoughts that had been a dull roar suddenly increased in volume when he noticed the arrow that Ghislane or Kaya had shot through Fenrys's shoulder before he caught Manon. A glance proved that it had been Kaya, whose bow was still strung. 

       Aelin lifted her arms from atop Manon's wyvern, and the watchtower was suddenly connected to a castle made of ice, vines, and stone. They landed in an huge entrance that led into an aerie, and Fenrys handed Manon to him before disappearing and then reappearing moments later with Gavriel in tow, the Lion looking concerned when he saw the coven of witches. 

     Dorian set the witch down, and simply looked at Gavriel's tawny eyes. Gavriel nodded, and picked up the witch, leading her and her coven to an empty room. And of course it was at that moment, that Fenrys seemed to stumble, lurched, and slid down the wall he was leaning on. As he passed out, the arrow wounds in his shoulder and thigh bleeding, he choked out, "Iron..."

~~~~~~~~~~Fenrys' POV brought to you by him being able to cook 🍜~~~~~~~~~~~

        Fenrys opened his eyes slowly and winced, it must have been midday by now, but he still felt like shit. He looked down at his shoulder, but was surprised to see Dorian in a chair, resting peacefully beside him. Of course, the king could just be grateful he saved the witch, but...

        Fenrys had had very few people actually care about him in his life, and Aelin was one of them. He wondered if Dorian was, too. He reached out slightly, and tucked a stray lock of the kings curly black hair back behind his ear, surprised at the long, silky, tangled mass of it. He internally winced at the thought, but then looked down at the king again, and found him looking back at him.  

~~~~~~~~~Dorian's POV~~~~~~~~~~

        Dorian woke up to find a slightly flushed Fenrys looking down at him, albeit slightly guilty looking. "Hey," he said, surprised to find his voice rough and groggy, but he noted with no small amount of satisfaction that the males eyes lit up a bit at his tone. Dorian had always wanted to get to know Fenrys, and when he finally did, he realized that the male was slightly more... more than he seemed.

     "Hey, yourself." Fenrys' own voice was distorted from disuse, and his hair was slightly curled, although it was rumpled from sleep. With the amount of iron and poison that had been coursing through the males body, it was a miracle that he was alive, and that he hadn't passed out sooner. 

     As he woke up a little more, he noticed Fenrys' hand by his hair, which was currently a mess, but he wondered all the same if the flush on the males cheeks was due to him messing with his hair... and damn it, now he was blushing faintly as well. 

     "How are you feeling?" Dorian asked, having finally found his voice. "About as bad as I look..." Fenrys trailed off after looking in the mirror, then amended, "Ok, not that good." Dorian sat up and smirked. "Liar, you would feel perfect if you looked that good..." It was at that moment that Dorian wanted to die... he did not just say that... except he did. 

     Fenrys slowly turned towards him and looked at him with his head cocked to the left for a long moment.  What had been a slight flush on Dorian's cheeks was now probably red as Adarlan's flag... 

     And then the male laughed, a true laugh that he decided he wanted to hear more often. It was musical and calming, like a streams trickle, but he knew that the male in front of him was one of the best people he would meet, and despite the countless lives that Fenrys had sacrificed and taken, he knew that his laugh was real. 

      When the male had finished laughing, his face seemed shy, but yet more open, and Dorian was afraid that if he blinked, he would be gone, or dead... but here the male was-the real one.

~~~~~~~~~~~Fenrys POV 🍜~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Fenrys couldn't remember the last time he had laughed-really, truly laughed, not chuckled or snickered, without the intention- and though it hurt his still healing body, he was glad that he had been able to laugh, even after Maeve had done all that she had to him- and Aelin.

      He had been mulling over what to say, but-" If I were to die, would you care?" The words rushed out of his mouth like a torrent from a hot kettle, and when he looked back up at Dorian, he was surprised to see him looking at him, and even more surprised to see him looking like he was about to be emotional. 

     "Fenrys, you did die. Your heart stopped. Gavriel, Aelin, and I had to restart it... I thought we lost you. And no, before you ask, I'm not here because you saved Manon, I'm here because I trust you, you are my friend, and OF COURSE I WOULD CARE! I can't lose another friend..." Dorian's voice broke, and he put his head in his hands. 

     Fenrys reached out and tilted the kings chin up. "You won't lose me, I promise."

Word count: 1265

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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