Chapter 1

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It's raining heavily outside . Suddenly someone knocks fiercely on the door . My head shots up toward the noise . The person walks closer to our window and by it's shadow i immediately know it's him . I look over at dylan terrified . We both know what he is going to do once he finds a way in this house . He grabs my hand and drags me into a small cupboard in the kitchen . We both curl up and hide in the cupboard . From the small gap between the doors of the cupboard i can see mommy laying on the ground . She is probably sleep or she is sick again .

Suddenly a loud bang comes from the door . A rush of panic goes through my body . Dylan pulls me closer to him and holds me tightly . He walks in , the sound of his footsteps echoing . He spots mommy and walks over to her . He shouts at her " get up ! You fucked up bitch !" He has his belt with a shiny buckle in his hand . He hits her hard . Mommy makes a sobbing noise but doesn't make a move . Stop . Stop it . Mommy still doesn't move . She doesn't scream . She curls up small .

He doesn't stop . I have my fingers on my ears and my eyes closed . I can't watch this . Why wouldn't he stop ? Why wouldn't  he leave us alone ? Suddenly the sound stops . He turns and i can see him stomping towards the kitchen . He is looking for us . He still has his belt . Dylan holds me even tighter , if it is possible . He stoops down and a smirk appears on his nasty face . He opens the cupboard door . Me and dylan are both really scared . I'm shaking . " there you are , you two little shits ." He says .

I jolt up and scream . I'm drenched in sweat and my heart is pounding . I put my hand on my chest to calm myself down a bit . What the fuck ?! The nightmares , They are back again . Why ?! Haven't i already had enough ? I walk out of my bed and grab a tshirt and a pair pants . I wear them and put my sweaty clothes somewhere else so i can wash them later . I can't sleep so i walk out of my room and head towards the kitchen . I grab a glass from the cupboard . I pour water into it and then drink it . The cold liquid goes down my throat and calms me down a bit more . I still can't get the images of that night out of my head .

I put the glass in the sink . And turn to walk back to my room but the door opens and reveals a man with a beer bottle in his hand . Another night has passed and he is drunk again . Ever since ava , his wife , left us he has been coming back home drunk every night . I take a deep breath and decide to go to my room . I take the first step but he stops me . " where do you think you are going ?" He asks as he puts his beer bottle on the kitchen counter " to my room ." I reply . He walks closer to me . I freeze in my place , unable to move . He puts his finger on my chin and i close my eyes . " you know , you are pretty ." He says , his breath smells like alcohol .

I try to walk away but he pushes me againts the kitchen counter . He puts his lips on my neck . I try to push him away with every force i have but he doesn't move . " get away from me !" I yell as i push his chest . He looks up at me with angery eyes . " shut up !" He yells and slaps me hard . My hand raises to my cheek which will be red in a minute because of his force . I try move my body away from him but he slaps me again . I look around and grab the nearest object . I smash the beer bottle in his head and he falls to the floor . I look at the unconcious man laying on the ground . His head isn't bleeding or anything so he isn't dead i guess .

I run to my room and lock the door behind me . I grab my backpack and throw some clothes and shoes in it . I put some neccessary stuff and my phone in it and zip it . I look outside the window . It's cold outside . I wear a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie on it . Then i wear my jeans and my converse . I grab all of the money i have and put it in my backpack . It's not much , so i need more . I slowly open my rooms door . I go into johns room . I search through his clothes and find some money . I grab them as well and put it in my backpack .

I walk out of his room and walk towards the door . I take one last look at the unconcious body laying on the kitchen floor . Then i walk out the house . I need to get out this town for good . I walk to a place so i could get a taxi which is luckily not far enough . Then i get a car to drive me to the bus station . I sit in the taxi and stare out the window . I know it's a crazy decision for a 17 year old girl to move out of town in the middle of the night . Specially alone . But i need to . I can't stay one more single day in that house . This whole town , is full of bad memories for me . I had no friends . No one . The only one who cared for me a slightest bit was ava which left both me and john and never looked back .

When we reach the bus station i pay the taxi driver and get out of the car . I go and get a ticket for los angeles . I go and sit in the bus . It takes some time for me to fall sleep but eventually it happens .

His loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें