"Hyung! Are you okay, what's wrong?"

"Jungkook, J-J-Jimi-Jimin-" Yoongi said stuttering like crazy.


"Yoongi-Hyung? What are you doing here?" Jimin said as he came out of the bathroom that was on the first floor.

"Jimin!" Yoongi shouted and ran to Jimin pulling him into a dead tightly hug.

"Hyung what's wrong!? Your scaring me!" Jimin said.

"Why didn't you come home? Huh? Huh? I was worried sick! I thought something happened to you? I've called and texted you like a 100 time and you never answered. Why didn't you answer me you brat!" Yoongi said releasing Jimin from his hold.

"What? What are you talking about? I haven't gotten any text from you." Jimin said while pulling his phone out. But when Jimin pulled out his phone he had this weird look on his face.

"Baby, whats wrong?" I had said, walking up to him. But when I went to reach out for him, he backed away. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"What? What's wrong?" I said.

Jimin had handed me the phone and it had it's wallpaper and me and Lisa.

"Why the hell is that you wallpaper? Huh? Why are you constantly breaking my heart in to more and more pieces?" Jimin said with tears in his eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! It's not what you think-"

"Yeah, like I've never heard that before!" Jimin said starting to yell.

"Yo, what the hell Jungkook! I said I would help you get my baby brother back 'cause you said you 'LOVED' him, and this is what you mean by 'love'? Love is not having the person you cheated on my Jimin with!" Yoongi said, yelling at me in rage.

"No, seriously this is not my phone! Come see and look. My phone is in my room on the charger." I said stating to feel a little scared of Yoongi at the moment.

I ran up the stairs with Yoongi and Jimin following behind me. When we got to the room I grabbed my phone and showed them my wallpaper.

"See? My back ground is Jimin looking as beautiful as ever in mid air from the concert I went too. And if you put in my password, it is '54646' which spells out Jimin." I said 'cause I cannot lose Jimin again. I just got him back.

"Then who's phone is this?" Jimin asked looking confused as ever with his nose scrunched up.

"I have no fucking idea" I said relived that Jimin believes me.

"Well chimmy, why don't you call your number and see who has it." Yoongi Hyung said.

Jimin mumbled an 'ok' loud enough for us to hear. From what it looks like Jimin is calling his phone. And Jimin's eyes went big when someone actually picked up, and it was so adorable.


▪︎ Jimin's Pov ▪︎

The phone started to ring, but it was taking for ever for someone to pick up the phone. After the 5th ring someone answered. I was shocked.

"Hello?" A female voice said, sounding just like she just woke up.

"Hi, I am calling to see in you are the owner of this phone I am calling from?"

"Huh?" she said sounding like she was awake a little bit.

"Well-Well I noticed that the phone I called you from was not mine, so I called my phone number and you picked up. So I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow morning at the moteá cafe to exchange phones." 

"Oh uh- sure. No problem. I'll meet you tomorrow morning at 11?" she said to confirm.

"Yeah, ok,  totally" I said a little nervous.

I hung up with a 'goodbye' and me, Jungkook, and Yoongi hung out until we got tierd and all fell asleep on the couch while watching tangled. 

I had woke up to go to the bathroom and cleaned off all of the popcorn that had fell on the floor from Yoongi and Jungkook having a 'popcorn fight'. When I was done with everything I went back in the living room. and snuggled up to Jungkook's side.

As I was about to fall asleep I had this weird feeling like something was not going to be good tomorrow. But I just ignored it and went to sleep.



Who do you think has his phone???

Why is Jimin nervous???

Are you happy that Jungkook and Jimin are back together???

Please let me know your thoughts...


I'M SORRY! •Jikook • Sequel to 'Perfect two?'  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now