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Laying in bed became easier and easier as the days went on. After all it wasn't like life changed anyway. I'll always live in the same town, with the same people, who do the same things.

I tried to move on from the thoughts that consumed my brain. I tried to dream of places where I could live out any adventure. Where I could be someone else. Anyone.

But they were only dreams.

All I am and all I would be was just another 16 year old girl with nothing special in her life. Who spent her days in bed. Who was thankful for her adopted parents, even though they had constant fights, and cared for her little brother more than anything.

It seemed nobody would ever find me to be different. I'm never even picked to answer questions in class. At this point it's pointless to try.

I stood up for the first time today. Looked myself in the mirror. Staring at my somewhat plain appearance. I wore black and white polka dotted pajamas which I'd had a long time, my grandmother gave them to me for my 13th birthday.

My dark brown eyes stared at my pale skin. The freckles that covered my nose and cheekbones were mocking me. My light brown hair seemed dull in my eyes. Overall an unappealing sight.

I sat on the bed once more and played with my fingers.

"Charlotte?" My mother knocked on my door, "Are you going to come down for dinner?" She asked.

"Maybe, in a little bit." I told her. Her blue eyes lit up, delighted that I was even considering coming out of my room today. She always wanted me to just "get better". As if it were so easy.

I decided to go put on the show to try and lessen the worry for my mother. I barely talked but I ate tasteless food with loving people around me. They care I know they do, they just don't understand.

I left halfway through dinner. My mother decided to get frustrated with me and yell how selfish I was for never spending time with the family.

"Char? I have something for you." My father came in, sitting next to me on my bed.

"When I was your age I went through something much similar. It had a lot of ups and so many downs. To help me through, my parents gave me this book, which I will give to you. This will help you find our your life mottos. Read it tonight, and we'll talk about it tomorrow." He put a book with a beat up leather cover and gold writing.


It had no author.

"And for your mother, shes just had a rough day, don't take what she says to heart."

I should've asked more questions or been more cautious, but why not. It did spark my interest. After I thanked and hugged my father goodnight, I dived in.

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