it was him

157 2 5

this isnt edited yet because im lazy but whatever

(conans pov)
my pain was going away slowly but surely, the doctor said that i was recovering vey well, (Y/N) would visit all the time which made me really happy, i felt bad for not being as active on social media but everyone understood, i would be completley healed in about a month or two. i would always wonder what happened, i had blacked out completely, and i tried to remember everything that happened that day but my head would hurt if i thought too hard. it almost felt like i was drugged so i wouldnt remember, all i can think of is the face (Y/N) had, and the pain i was in.
-----------timeskip to when he feels all better🥺❤️---
today conan was finally being sent home, they were giving him some painkillers just incase something happened, i was so happy that he could finally walk and move around without being in too much pain. once i picked him up from the hospital i took him to get some coffee at starbucks and i got us both a slice of banana bread. we listened to our favorite songs while we sat at a little park bench admiring the view and our drinks. we spent most of our day there, and the sunset came around. i felt his head place itself on my shoulder and i gently moved my hand up and down his shoulder. this moment felt so magical, not to sound cheesy or anything but i really feel like this is a movie scene, its almost too good to be true. well i was right, all of a sudden the memory of what happened that day came up to my mind, i went to talk with louis and me and conan had a little thing over what happened, he went to go see louis and he never came back. "conan." i didnt know if i should feel shocked, scared or mad. he lifted his head up and looked at my face, it was completely blank. "it was louis" i said looking over to him. he didnt understand at all, then he did, he looked shocked, i could only imagine what was going on in his head.
(conans pov)
thats it, it was louis. i remember he threw the first punch when i asked what happened, he was extremely drunk and out of his mind high, i dont know how i didnt come to the conclusion earlier. "what do we do?" i asked (Y/N). we just stared at eachother with whatever was left of the suns light. we were hoth so confused, we sat in scilence until it was dark outside, "we should probably get going since its already dark" (Y/N) stated while getting up. i followed her to the car which wasn't too far away. i couldnt think of anything to say other than that i was in shoch it was him, but was i really in shock? we got to the house and i was hoping the scilence would break and it finally did. "im so sorry that your first day back from the hospital ended off like this, i know its so much to handle, but maybe we can try to forget? we can lay on the couch together and watch tv if you want." (Y/N) said giving a soft smile, she always brightened the mood even if it was low. "id love to" i replied jerking my head slightly to the couch while walking to it.

okay but the banana bread at starbucks is so good

cutie from the coffee shop :)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum