
302 13 16

TW!!! possible loud images, alcohol use, foul language, v0m1ting, a small bit of violence.

(Y/N's pov)

the strobing lights were flashing all over, the loud music really topped it all off, we were all staying together as a group and didn't want to drink too much because we needed to drive home. i showed my ID and we all got a mixture of drinks, the burn in my throat was insane. sometimes i forget conan is a celebrity, a few people were freaking out and asking for pictures with him. the drinks started kicking in and the worst part was what might happen, nobody but us and a few friends know that we're together, what if something about us gets released? it's been so long since I've gotten wasted like this, i still wanted to stay near my friends because i know I'm safe with them. the songs felt like they were getting louder, and the lights seemed like they were getting brighter, the alcohol was settled in and i was drunk. maya and louis left somewhere, but conan stayed by me. i started to mumble my words, and somehow he understood me, we got up and started walking to a place that wasn't so crowded, we started talking and my hands found their way to the back of his head, i managed to push up my head to his, we started kissing, longer than usual, mainly because i couldn't get enough strength to put my head back down. it was risky but it felt rebellious, things were moving fast and i got pushed up against the wall. i pulled away finally and I went up to get another drink and this man sat next to me. "sorry I'm already dating someone." I said, sitting further away. "that's okay, I don't bite hard." he replied. i remembered I had pepper spray in my pocket so I grabbed it but before I could he took a picture of me. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU PIG?" I screamed. i pushed him down and sprayed it all in his eyes and a little in his mouth for good measure. i guess I was being louder than I thought because conan came up to me and asked what was wrong. "you good..?" conan asked. "THIS CREEP JUST TOO A PICTURE OF ME AND IS PROBABLY GONNA MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IM NAKED." i yelled back, I wanted people to hear about how disgusting this man is. conan didn't really drink that much but i sure did, maya and her boyfriend were walking over to us and they seemed even worse than me, the only sober one here was conan.

(conans pov)

i was the only one who wasn't blackout drunk, so i had to drive all of them home. i was worrying about the picture, but someone caught my eye. the same person who took the picture was outside, i tapped Y/Ns shoulder and pointed over to him. we were walking up to him and i was scared as fuck at this point, he started talking to us and he was extremely aggressive, i saw Y/N pull out a little bottle of something and spray it in his eyes and yell "EAT A DICK YOU SHITHEAD" and started running, we got in the car and locked the doors, "you crazy bitch" we all said laughing. i could tell Y/N wasn't in the right headspace, she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met, it was funny to see her crazy side though. first i drove maya to her house, then to my apartment. i got up Y/N and helped her walk up the stairs. i didn't know if she had enough energy or strength to change so i gave her a random t-shirt i found. she managed to put it on and i walked her down to the living room. i put her clothes in the laundry basket. i headed down to where Y/N is to go make sure she stays out of trouble.  "thank you for not leaving me." she said, more in a serious tone. "i would never leave you, i love you too much to let you go." i responded, kissing her, i could taste the bitterness on her lips, i needed to get her to sleep because i know she'll wake up hungover. i put her to sleep and brushed my teeth before going to bed. i put on some pajama pants and decided to sleep shirtless.

(Y/N's pov)

i woke up with a horrible headache and an awful taste in my mouth, i ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. conan held my hair back for me and after a little while, i stopped. i brushed my teeth and conan did too. "my head hurts" i said, sitting on the counter, i looked in the cabinet to see if i could take any advil or tylenol and luckily, i found some. i got a glass of water from the kitchen and took the medicine. "I'm kinda hungry, what about you?" he asked me. "same, maybe sushi?" "that sounds pretty good." he said, pulling out his phone. i sat down on the couch rubbing my forehead and eyes. i wanted to fall back asleep but i couldn't, the pounding in my head wouldn't stop or calm down, so i just sat in pain. i turned on the tv and looked for something good to watch. i went to nextflix and started browsing all the movies and shows. i decided to put on "The Good Place" since I watched it a lot in high school. i went to check my messages to see if I missed anything and I had none, so I decided to scroll through tiktok. the food finally came and we started to eat, I drank a lot of water that day because my head still really hurt and I still felt sluggish. "you still look really tired, you can take today to rest if you want." conan said hugging me, unlike my ex-boyfriend oliver, he actually cared about me. "thank you" i sort of whispered it, but I'm positive he heard. i went up to the bedroom and plopped on the bed, I fell asleep minutes later.

(conans pov)

y/n has never really drank that much so it was understandable how she felt, I called my friend ashley to see if see was doing anything and she wasn't, so I decided to leave yn a text message just so she knows I'm not dead or anything. i got ready and headed out the door. it's been a few months since i've seen ash, i knocked on the door and hugged her as soon as it opened. i walked inside and started catching up with her since I haven't seen her in almost a year. the time flew faster than ever, so I decided I was going to check up on Y/N.


C:heyy, ik ur still tired but I'm just letting you know I'm hanging out at ashleys, love you.

Y/N: ok, love u too. tell ash i said hi

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i put my phone away and continued talking with ashley, we both agreed on getting lunch sometime soon. it was getting late so I probably should get heading home, "alright, it's getting really late I thin I'm gonna go home, I'm really tired too." I said laughing. "alright, goodnight love youu" she responded. i walked out the door and entered my car. when I got home Y/N was already awake and hugged me. "I missed you." she said buried in my chest.

cutie from the coffee shop :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora