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Ariston's POV:

After father said those things, I looked at the child in front of my father.'It' have blonde hair and jeweled eyes...wait Jeweled Eyes?But aren't only filth couldn't be my 'sister' won't allow that..

3rd Person's POV:

As the white haired prince is in his deep thoughts,The Emperor then came closer to the small figure and held her chin to make her look at him.As they were staring at each other,The 'Treasures'of Athanasia roll down and a certain jewel rolled towards the foot of the Emperor,Noticing it,He then stomped at the jewel which made it break.The poor girl just looked at the shattered jewel before looking at the figure that is way taller than her.

"That face...You must be the child of the dancer from Siodanna..If I remember,Than wench named You Athanasia..Tch,That wench already know that Ariston is the future Emperor yet she have the nerves to name you something as high as that."As Claude was saying those things,A certain red saw them and jogged behind the Prince-who's still in deep thought-until he noticed a new face.The Emperor then carried the Little figure."You're heavy"Claude said.Athanasia couldn't help but gulp,Some of her 'treasures' then dropped to the ground again.The Emperor couldn't help but stare at the jewels on the ground."Felix,Carry her, I suppose I should have tea with my guest"He said before handing-no,Throwing Athanasia into Felix arms.Fortunately,Felix Caught her before she fell into the floor.Claude then looked at his son who's still in daze while looking(more like glaring)at the floor."Let's go,Ariston."


The same thing that happened in the manhwa happened here,Except the fact that Ariston would constantly glare at Athanasia cause he knows for a fact that the girl is obviously trying to act cute.

Back to 3rd Person's PoV:

"Papa..?Papa!"After saying those things,Ariston then stood up from his seat which made Athanasia and Claude look at him."Stop Faking your cuteness!It's Irritating!You're not even cute!So stop it!"After saying those things,Ariston then got a slap from his father."Stop being impolite to my guest.Leave now,You are no longer welcomed"After saying those things,Ariston then kneeled and said goodbye and ran away from the rooms with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Ariston's POV:

I immediately locked my room and sulked on my bed,Crying.

"Why?What I said is true,Can't you see father?She's trying to manipulate you by faking her cuteness..I'm just telling the truth...Why do you think I'm always in the wrong?"

3rd Person's POV:

As Ariston was crying and whimpering,Wht he failed to notice was a black fog and a man lurking in the corner of his bedroom.

"Don't you worry Ariston,You won't cry soon,I'll take you with me soon"

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