Chapter 1

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"We have everything ready Miss Ava" said one of the guards towards Miss Ava

Mrs. Ava Paige was a woman who seemed to be in her senior years, or was about to reach that age, had blonde hair like corn, dark brown eyes that anyone could persuade, her face was a little long and her skin was fair. 

"Are you sure what you want to do, Mrs. Paige?" The guard who was near her said again.

"Of course I'm ready" Ava said with great confidence "I'm sure my daughter will be the best of all, apart from Teresa of course" she said with a smile of joy on her face "They two will do great things with this experiment" she said returning her look at the girl who was on his feet


On the other hand, we had a place called the glade, named after the habitants who lived in it, which was only inhabited by pure boys, there were boys of all sizes, colors and personalities and so that there were only men inside that place, the place was in very good condition and everything was in order.

"What will we do with the new one?" Said a boy with blond hair, thin and something lame in one of his legs

"Did you see how he was?" Said one of the excited boys

"And how he was almots to pissed his pants?" continued another of the boys but with more seriousness

"Very good guys" said one of them getting up and making a gesture with his hands to calm down "I also saw how he was, how he almost pissed and how he had that lost look when he was in this place, as each of you had" He said crossing his hands looking at everyone "So, you better talk to him before he does not know what to do inside this place. Where is he?" He said looking at the blond and thin boy

"In the pit" released other of the boys

"What a nice welcome for the greenie" one of the boys said "Okay guys, we need to continue with the work" he said opening a door and getting out from the place like seems like they were having their asemblies there

The days were passing and Thomas, the new greenie of the glade, he already know what to do in that plce, he was curious tho and a little bit problematic. Everything was in order until one day, after de guys had the welcome of Thomas to the galde, everytinh change. One normal day and the things were going well as normal, some were on the gardens, others were building and other were coming in and out from the stone walls that were around the glade, everything was fine until they heard a sound coming near the area of the box, the metallic box was coming really fast until it stopped. All the guys ran to the box, because it was not normal that the box came twice in one month. One of the guys stopped and opened the box and he was just shocked about he was seeing

"Impossible" the blond guy said

"Newt , What do you see?" continue anotehr guy

They were seeing a girl, a girl in the glade full of only boys, they girl was not tall, it was short but not so short, her skin was like the snow, her hair was brown, long and curly and her lips were a little bit pink as her cheeks.

"This is not happening" said a guy still in shock

Then the leader approach to the box and looked inside it.

"Take her to the meds" he said confused and serious "Jeff, take her to the med, Newt and Gally will be te protectors of the girl and in about 5 minutes we are going to have a meeting" the leader said moving away the box still confused

Thomas, who lost all the fun because he was doing something in the kitchen, he approach to Chuck, a short guy, plump, with also curly hair and brown eyes. 

"What is going on?" Thomas said curious

"A girl came up in the box Thomas, a girl" Chuck said impressed  "Can you believe it?" he said happy and going to the place for the meeting

Of couse, Thomas was curious about the new girl and he wants to know about her but his presence was need it in the meeting.


"As you can see, a girl arreived in the box" the leader said "We never had a girl in this place and that's why I'm going to add a new rule for this place" he said serious "The guy who touches her without her consent or only because you want to touch her and it doesn't matter if we didn't see what happend, you will be axiled to the maze" 

Alby, the leader of the gladers, knew that the galders will follow that rule, but he was not stupid and somehow he knew how the things were working between the woman an the man and it was the last things that he wanted to happen inside that place and with the new girl

"The only ones that are going to be in charge of the girl will be Newt and Gally" Alby said

Neither Newt or Gally, nor any of the boys put a word to Alby's new rule and that's how the new adveturre for the boys and the girl began.

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