Chapter 2

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The next morning, the girl started to open her eyes slowly, because the light that was coming into the place, was a little bit annoying for her.

"Guys" said a guy standing up his chair and running out

"How do you feel?" said other of the guys touching the shoulder of the girl

"Where am I? Who are you?" the girl said scared getting up the bed

"Easy, easy" said the guy who was touching the girl's shoulder "My name is Newt, what is yours?" Newt said seeing the girl eyes

"My name? My name is my my name is, I can't remember my name, Why I can't remember my name?" the girl said desesperate and worried

"Don't worry, it's normal, must of us didn't remember our name either, not in the first days or weeks" Newt said smiling

"Weeks?" the girl said even more worried

"Some of us we don't remember what happend before the maze" Newt continued

"Excuse me, the maze?" the girl asked

"That is not my topic to talk to you" Newt said getting up the chair, then some of the guys got into the med

"So, it's awake the only girl of the glade?" one of the guys said smiling

"The what?" the girl was even more confused and even more with the words they were saying to her

"Don't worry" a guy said approaching a chair to her bed "Everything is under control and all the guys know what and not what to do around you" continued the guy -Now, my name is Alby and I'm the leader of the gladers" he said looking the guys behind him

The girl was so confused and it was a lot to process, a lot of names, places and even faces, but was scared and stressed that she wasn't able to remember anything about her or her past.

"And don't worry about your name or your past, in a couple of days you're going to remember your name" Alby said

"Only my name?" the girl said sad

"They only let us to keep our name and that's all" continued Alby

The girl look the guys behind Alby and she got a little bit nervous.

"These guys are Gally and Newt" Alby said point to each one "They are going to be like your protectors and I know that I've already told your about the other guys, but everything can happen" Alby said "Now that you're awake, it would be good to start with the thing of showing you the glade and give you job" Alby continued saying standing up on the chair he was and going out the place 

The girl was just sitting there watching how Alby was leaving the place, then the girl's eyes were in Newt's then on Gally's eyes that were surprisingly beautiful.

"Don't worry greenie" Newt said giving her a smile "He looked at everyone like that but now he is your protector so he's not going to kill you" Newt continued 

"That I will protect you forever" Gally said 

Newt open his eyes about what Gally just said, the girl smiled a little bit, took a deep breath and spoke.

"Okay" the girl said " I think I'm going to start changing to be okay for what Alby what to show me and for the jobs" she continued accommodating her hair behind her ear 

Newt and Gally went out the place and they let the girl to change herself.


"What do you think?" Aldy asked 

"It was too much information in a very short time" the girl said smiling and sitting in the big tower that was in the glade 

"I understand you" Alby said sitting next to the new girl " And I was the first one to arrive here" Alby continued seeing the glade 

"Was you the first boy in here?" the girl asked 

"Yeah I was greenie" Alby said looking the girl " Now, today in the night we are going to have like a celebration for your arriving" Alby said standing up 

"You celebrate that? That's impressive" The girl said doing a fake smile " Alby, I don't even know my name" she said sadly 

Before Alby was going to answer the girl, a boy that was down in the ground, shout to him.

"¡Alby!" the boy screamed 

"Now we are going to see where are you going to sleep" he said smiling 


"How was it?" a boy said approaching to Gally 

"How was it what?" Gally said annoyed 

"The girl idiot, we know that Newt and you already met her, is she pretty?" he asked desperate

"Don't cross the line John, you know the rule" Gally said without looking at him and eating his food 

"Is she pretty or not?" the guy again asked 

"Yes she is pretty, okay? Can you leave me alone?" Gally said even more annoyed 

"Am I seeing what am I seeing? Gally liking the new girl?" John said laughing at him

"No" Gally said without looking at him 

"Or maybe Newt likes her" John said looking at him 

"What do you mean?" Gally asked curious 

"Look at him, the girl is with Minho and Ben and look how Newt is seeing that girl, he's even nervous" John said impressive

"Shut up" Gally said looking at him, because John was right, Newt was different since he met the girl 

"You're boring, Are you going to give her your special entry?" John asked 

"What are you talking about?" Gally asked confused 

"Gally, your special entry, the circle" John said smiling 

"No" Newt said behind them 

"How did you? You were there" John point the other table 

"Were you looking at me?" Newt said smiling 

"No" John said nervous "Continue with what you were saying" John said taking his eyes over Newt's 

"What I was saying" Newt sadi laughing "No one is going to touch that girl or hurt her, our job is taking care of her" Newt said looking at Gally that he didn't respond him "You know the rule, you touch that girl, you are banished with the grievers" Newt said seriously

"Newt is right" Gally said "I'm out of here" he said standing up and leaving the kitchen


"Ready, it's done" the little boy said checking if the hammock was okay

"Thanks, Chuck?" the girl said excited 

"That's me" Chuck said smiling "That one there is my hammock" Chuck said pointing his place next to the girl's hammock "And that one there is Gally's" Chuck said pointing the other hammock in the other side of the girl's hammock

"Yes?" a voice said behind the girl 

"Oh my, you scared me" the girl said laughing 

"Don't be a scared girl greenie" Gally said 

"I'm not scared, I was not only paying attention, that's all" she said serious 

"Yeah right, tell the same thing to your skin" Gally sadi laughing 

"Okay" she said a little bit offended "Being my protector doesn't give you the right to be an asshole" she said annoyed 

Chuck spit out a laugh and the girl saw him giving him a wink.

"Great and you will be next to me" he said annoyed 

"Good night Gally" the girl said bothering him 

"I like you girl" Chuck said smiling "You are interesting and between us, he thinks the same" Chuck said watching Gally 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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