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This OC belongs to warriorsfan4

Name┃ Cherryblossom

5/5 Such a lovely name! The cats wouldn't know what a Cherry Blossom is, but they do know what a cherry is, and what a blossom is, so this is a very possible name, and one the sounds rather mellifluous- or maybe that's just me loving cherry blossom trees.

Gender┃ She-cat


Age┃ 30 moons

She's rather young, the equivalent of about 37 in human terms.

Rank┃ Warrior


Clan┃ TideClan

Oh, I love this name. (Sort of reminds me of my own ShoreClan.) Although, Cherry- doesn't seem like something they'd see often there, but I don't know their full territory, so it sounds all right.

Appearance┃ Small cream colored she-cat with white paws and sky blue eyes.

10/15 Aww, I love cream cats so much. (Although, cream is a dilute form of ginger, so it's much more common in males. Just something to note!

Also, blue eyes are only possible in white cats, or cats with the white spotting gene. (They have to have white markings on their faces I believe.) However, this is Warrior Cats so it's up to you how genetically accurate you want it to be.

Personality┃ Cherryblossom is a kind she-cat who likes to make friends. When she is excited she can talk non stop which can turn a little irritating for the other cats. She can easily be annoyed if you talk about her parents or do anything she does not like. ​

25/25 A good mix of positive and negative traits, she honestly sounds like a good friend and a good cat to be around! These traits are a little surface-level, but sometimes it doesn't have to be a grand, deep character examination of a story, so I think this would work fine.

Backstory┃ When Cherryblossom was a kit she had a normal life. But when she was a apprentice both her parents died in a fox attack. Cherryblossom grieved a lot. She would not talk a lot or like to train. After a moon she got over her grieving by thinking that she will become the best warrior she can be for her parents.

21/25 This is pretty good, although I would suggest having a bit of a deeper reason for her to get over her grief before she decides to be the best she can be, or else maybe she's cold and far too focused on training after her decision before she eventually returns to normal when her friends give her a talking to.


Mother: Iceflower: White she-cat with ice blue eyes

Father: Quailfeather: White tom with cream colored patches. He has green eyes

Love the names, although Quailfeather was the name of two canon cats. Of course, there are so many canon cats lol, and I don't mind accidentally reusing names all too much.

The genetics aren't quite accurate, but it's up to you rather or not you want them to be. If you wanted them to be, you could make her father ginger, and maybe her mother could be a dilute tortie.

Likes┃ Talking, making new friends, hunting


Dislikes┃ Fighting, rain

Rain is an interesting one, I rather like it.

Cherryblossom is a great character. Her story is simple, but it's very positive, just like her personality! Her genetics aren't correct, but, of course, they don't have to be!

Thanks so much for your submission!

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