
Artie: time for class, bye sunny, see ya curt

Sylvie: byeeeeeeeeeeee *hugs* love you lovey

Artie: *smiles* sure

i hug her back before turning around and going to class, sitting on my usual seat and going back to sleep

???: miss Lynch!

oh right.... the teacher's here, i look up and see Mr. Schuler seething

Artie: hey, sir

mr. Schuler: miss lynch, sleeping again.... why am i not surprised

Artie: *shrugs*

mr. Schuler: *sighs heavily* alright then, miss Lynch, how about you answer this question.

Artie: uh, okay

mr Schuler: since we were talking about about assassin's creed odyssey's great storytelling, how would you have approached the attacking persians if you were leonidas?

Artie: well, i would've feigned surrender, then to prove my worth to the persians, i would've executed the guys who didn't agree with my plan to cement it, i'd follow their rules until the time comes, sending the other spartans where the persians would be, branding my messenger as a spy and then killing him too. once i've gone high enough that even the king trusts me i'd decapitae him and take his place, the spartans can either accept that i'm now the king of the persians or wage war on someone who knows how they operate

the whole class was silent, even mr Schuler had his mouth slightly open

Artie: or i would've just killed myself, depends on the day


mr Schuler: uhhh... c-class dismissed

 i grab my bag and walk outside, leaving my classmates staring at me. i walked to my other classes which didn't really interest me much so let's just skip to when it's lunch/the end of the school day. Sylvie waved me over as i got some lunch, i sat down and scarfed down the slice of pizza, Sylvie snuck away some of my fries and curt stared dreamily at Sylvie

Sylvie: so lovey, a little birdie told me that you shut up schuler in class today

Artie: word goes around fast in this school huh

curt: dude, did you really? whoa... schuller never shuts up

Artie: i just answered his question, nothing big *eats fries*

Sylvie: i mean what was the que-

Sylvie's question trailed off as she saw something behind me, i turn around and see the queen bee of the school, Ainsley Cain. not the stereotypical queen bee mind you, she's actually pretty down to earth, organizes most of the school charities and is openly gay

Ainsley: hey art

Artie: hey ainsley, need something for a website?

Ainsley, actually this visit's a bit personal

Artie: oh yeah? 

Ainsley: i was thinking, you know about that new spider man movie that came out? 

Artie: what about it?

Ainsley: i remember when you helped me with the cat shelter, you said that he was your favorite hero, so i was wondering, wanna go with me to the movies?

Artie: like as friends? or as a date?

Ainsley: *smiles* latter

 Sylvie: uh, no

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