Chapter 6 - License For Love

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A/N: not proof read because I'm really busy, sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others, if you have any requests please let me know.

Letitia's pov:
I decided to stay at Chris' until the night we were going out clubbing. There were many reasons for this, I was too lazy to drive back to my apartment, Chris was here so I'd have company and I had a wide range of clothing choice here. The last point is extremely important, what does one wear to a club? Especially when I'm trying to impress the girl I like. No, love? Wait love? I don't love her.

While Chris was snoozing away his hang over, I decided to tidy his house. You'd think that of all people, Chris Evans would keep his house spotless. I wouldn't normally choose to clean, but there was nothing else to do. A few hours of cleaning later, Chris walked out of his room rubbing his eyes. "Woah it's spotless in here," Chris widened his eyes. "Yeah well, I had nothing else to do," I rolled my eyes. "Missing a certain someone? Surprised you're not glued to your phone," Chris grabbed the milk from the fridge. "I could say the same for you Chrissy, Cobie not messaging you?" I laughed. Chris shook his head, "get changed we're going to the gym." I walked into my room to change when my phone buzzed. I fished it out of my pocket, while putting on some shorts and a tank top.

Feeling a lot better now, thanks for last night. What you up to?

Just about to hit the gym with Chris, you're welcome to join if you like.

I think I'll take you up on that offer, see you there in 20?

20 sounds good, it's a date ;)

"A date? T what the fu-" I whispered to myself when I was interrupted by Chris. "Ahem are you ready?" I smiled at him while walking out of my room, "yeah, Scarlett's joining us by the way. She said she'd meet us there in 20." Chris raised an eyebrow at me. "What?! She was bored," I shrugged. "Yeah sure, get in the car," Chris shoved me out the door. When we got to the gym Scarlett was already there. I swallowed the lump in my throat as my palms begin to sweat. Chris started laughing at me, "it's only the gym, why have you gone all red?" I stepped out of the car and shut the door, "I haven't, shut up." I walked over to Scarlett smiling.

"Hey," I hugged her. "Strange place for a date I must say," she whispered in my ear as I pulled away. "What are you two whispering about?" Chris quizzed. Scarlett hugged Chris, "just about you and Cobie," she winked. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to laugh. During our work out I dropped a weight on my foot because of how sweaty my hands were. Chris glared at me and Scarlett turned around to see where the bang came from. "T are you sure you're okay? You've never dropped anything at the gym before," Chris placed a hand on my sweaty shoulder. I nodded my head, "yeah fine."

Two hours later and my body was aching like crazy, I don't think I've ever tried so hard in the gym before, mainly because I was trying to impress Scarlett who kept eyeing me up. We walked outside and said our goodbyes. Scarlett smiled at me, "I'll see you both tomorrow night, wear something nice," as she got in her car and pointed at me.

When me and Chris got back it was late so we both headed to bed straight away, although I forgot to set my alarm. I was woken up with Chris sitting on me. "I can't breathe," I grabbed him and pushed him off. He stood up laughing, doing the boob slap thing he always does when he finds something hilarious. "Come on get ready," he said while wiping the tears from his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "get ready for what? It's 8 o'clock?" Chris crossed his arms, "news flash T, it's 4 in the afternoon." I jumped out of bed, "WHAT?!" Chris began to laugh at me again, "hurry up and get a shower, we're going to Renner's for drinks before we go to the club." As soon as my brother walked out my room I jumped in the shower in my en-suite.

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