Chapter 5 - I will if you will

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Letitia's pov:

She put her hands round the back of my neck pulling me even closer to her as she stared into my eyes and then staring down to my lips, she closed her eyes and I closed mine, both of us leaning in. My mind and my heart were both racing. She's drunk, she's just messing around, I thought to myself. Before our lips could touch Scarlett pulled away, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

As she got up she ran over to the kitchen sink and threw up. I sighed walking over to her with the glass of water she left on the coffee table and I held her hair back. "You're alright," I said while she had her head in the sink. She pulled away smiling at me, her hair all falling from her hair tie. "I'm alright now," she replied leaning against the kitchen island. "I think we should get you to bed come on," just as I was about to help her to the bedroom she was sick again, this time all over herself.

I look up at the ceiling and closed my eyes, "good luck taming that one, yeah thanks ruffalo," I mumbled to myself. "We need to get you cleaned up," I whispered to Scarlett and she hummed. I took her to the bathroom placing her on the sink island in front of the mirror. I unzipped her dress and helped her change into some of my clothes. A pair of grey joggers and a baggy plain black t shirt. I carried her to my bed, tucking her in. "Goodnight Scarlett," I smiled as she drifted off to sleep. I kissed her forehead before closing the bedroom door.

Tonight I'd be sleeping on the sofa, but I didn't mind because it was actually quite comfy, before that though I needed to clean up the kitchen. While I was cleaning up, all the events of the party were rushing through my head and I smiled to myself. After cleaning the kitchen, I put Scarlett's dress out of the way, and my wine stained shirt so I could take them to the dry cleaners in the morning. I changed into some shorts and a baggy top before I slumped onto the sofa and drifted off to sleep.

Scarlett's pov:
I woke up feeling awful, my head was spinning. I rubbed my eyes and I looked around the room. Hang on this isn't my room. "Oh my god, please say I still have my clothes on," I whispered to myself. I checked under the duvet to notice I had clothes on, but they weren't mine, although they were comfy. As I got out of bed I heard a door close so I walked out the room to see Letitia, I smiled. "Easy princess, you drank a lot last night," she laughed while getting me some tablets for my hangover, and a glass of water. "Thanks," I smiled at her.

I was still confused as to how I woke up in Letitia's bed, without any of my own clothes on, accept for my underwear that belonged to me, which gave me some reassurance that we didn't sleep together. Although I still could've done something stupid. I cleared my throat, "so what happened- I mean my dress- I'm not even wearing any of my own clothes..." Letitia laughed at me as she took some food from the fridge, "Scarlett stop stressing, you spilt some wine on me at the party so I brought you here after you had too much to drink. I couldn't leave you alone at your place, not in the state you were in. And then you were sick in my sink and all over yourself, hence the clothes." I stopped stressing once I heard Letitia speak up, but I started to remember one thing last night. The almost kiss, and I was disappointed that Letitia didn't bring it up.

I walked over to the sofa and I sat down turning on the tv when I heard T speak up from behind me again, "oh and your dress is at the dry cleaners, did you want something to eat?" I turned around and smiled, "You're a lifesaver, I can't believe I was sick on my dress. And just a cheese toastie, I don't think my stomach can handle anything else," I smirked while tuning my head back to the tv.

Letitia's pov:
While I was making Scarlett's food, I felt sad that she didn't remember our almost kiss from last night, although I'm glad she wasn't sick all over me. I put the cheese toastie on a plate and handed it to Scarlett. "Thank you," she said while smiling up at me. "So what are your plans for today then?" I quizzed, sitting on the sofa near Scarlett. "Do you think you could take me home? It's just I'd love to be in my bed all day, my head is killing me," she said while taking a bite of her food. "Yeah sure, I'm gonna check on Chris anyways, so I'll drop you of then." I replied while scrolling through social media.

I was giggling at my phone when Scarlett spoke up, "what are you laughing at?" I looked up from my phone, "oh nothing, some people from the party last night posted some funny videos of us all." Scarlett snuggled next to me, "oh my god, let me see." I turned my phone to Scarlett, it was a video of Chris jumping in the pool with all of his clothes still on while he was drunk. Scarlett started laughing and I let her scroll through my phone some more. I get up off the sofa to go and make my bed that Scarlett had slept in when I heard her shout, "I really need to teach you how to cook."

I walk out laughing with my arms crossed, "was it really that bad?" Scarlett stands up and walks closer to me, "yes, but you make up for it in...other departments," she whispers and I look away so she can't she me becoming flustered. I clasp my hands together, "right we best get you back home then." Scarlett groans while grabbing her heels off the floor from last night. "Don't worry you can keep the clothes you're wearing," I wink at her while opening my apartment door.

In the car Scarlett told me that I wasn't allowed the radio on because of her headache so we just sat in silence, but it was comfortable silence so I didn't mind. Once we pulled up so Scarlett's place she turned towards me, "thank you for looking after me, hopefully I'll see you soon. And I do remember some of the events that happened last night," while kissing me on the cheek and stepping out of my car, not giving me a chance to reply. I smiled at her as she waved to me when I drove off to Chris'.

Instead of knocking on my brother's door I just walked straight in. Firstly, because I knew he'd still be asleep and secondly, he'd ask, "why do you always knock, just come in." I pushed his bedroom door open and I threw a pillow at him, dodger wagging his tail and barking. Chris jumped out of bed looking like he was ready to fight someone off. "Hello brother, good night last night?" I said loudly. "Will you be quiet, my head kills," he replied in a groggy voice as he stretched and stumbled to his kitchen. "How did you get back here by the way? When I saw you at the party you jumped in the pool drunk." I laughed. He looked away all nervous, "I uh...had someone over." I ran over to him, picking him up and spinning around, eventually putting him back on the floor, "no you never!! Who was it?" Chris grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, "it was cobie, but she left after. and we both got a cab here because we were both way too drunk to drive." I put my hand on his shoulder, "well I'm proud of you, finally getting some action." He punched me in the stomach, "ow!" I shoved him back.

He placed his bottle on the counter top, "and where did you go off to last night?" I laughed, "you always think you're onto something Chris, I took Scarlett back to mine because she was too drunk....and then she was sick everywhere." Chris pulled a face at me, "hmm yum. Anyways!! Let me rest, we're going to a club tomorrow night." He laughed while checking his phone. "Is uh, is Scarlett going to be there?" I quizzed, trying not to give anything away. "Of course she is, especially if you're going." He winked at me as he walked into the bathroom. Once he closed the bathroom door, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out to see Scarlett's message.

Hey, you excited for tomorrow night?

Only if you're going to be there ;)

I will if you will ;)

I read that message over and over again, smiling to myself. After the jealously I felt when Scarlett called Romeo her boyfriend, I knew what I wanted, and that was her. Romeo wasn't in the way anymore, and boy was I going to make Scarlett mine.

A/N: basically a fill in chapter, but buckle up because it's gonna get spicy ;)

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