
78 4 4

This character belongs to -dark_wyvern

current name :: archhawk

5/5 I've never seen Arch- before, it sounds rather nice though! -Hawk isn't seen often in females, but is a great suffix as well. Overall, an excellent name.

past names :: arch , archpaw

Makes sense!

future names :: she once hoped it would be archstar , but it never came to be

Alright, I'm intrigued.

name reasoning ::

• arch { her parents were both loners , and so they named her this after her stripes }

Oh, a loner-to-warrior story! It's done a lot, but honestly I love those types of stories.

• hawk { her independence , ferociousness , and great hunting ability }

I love your reasoning, it makes for great names that tell a lot about the character.

gender :: she-cat


sexuality :: heteroromantic heterosexual


age at death :: suspected to be around 167 moons { thirteen years and nine months }

A good age for certain. It's actually only a month off of my cat's age lol. (Bonnie is 13 years and 10 months, while Tibbs, my other cat who's a tuxedo, is about 12. We're not sure of the exact age for her. Anyways, I got distracted, back to rating!)

clan :: formerly a loner , died a shadowclan deputy rank :: loner , apprentice , warrior , queen , deputy , dark forest resident

It's intriguing- usually in this type of story the main character makes it to leader. I've actually never seen a main character die as deputy in a fanfiction!

I love that ambition isn't a bad thing. It's so often painted in a negative light, when it's actually a positive trait.

appearance :: archhawk had very long fur and it was thick , similar to that of a Norwegian forest cat . her fur was a light brown color with mackerel tabby markings and white patches on her chest , muzzle , belly , and two of her paws . she has very dull blue eyes

25/25 She honestly sounds lovely. You did blue eyes right, yay! (Although no surprise there, since I believe you told me the fact that they have to be on a cat's face.) The colour is very overused, but honestly it's perfectly all right to have one or two cats with them so long as it's accurate. Well done!

personality :: archhawk has been very reclusive since she was young , always feeling like an outsider wherever she went . she has problems trusting new cats and even if she does , chances are she's ready in case they turn against her . as she grew older , and she started losing more and more control of her own life , paranoia set in , and she became unstable as a result of cats whispering about her . when she snapped , she snapped completely , and even now as she resides in the shadows of the dark forest , she is known to be quiet , observant , and deranged.

24/25 That's honestly pretty chilling, although there are some parts that contradict the backstory- such as the fact that she trusted Burpy relatively quickly, we don't really see instances of her being distrustful. (Although, admittedly, I may have missed some, so feel free to correct me!)

The paranoia is something I don't see often, and it sounds like it would make for a, well, chilling story.


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