The Dinner

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I glanced up from my half-eaten dinner and I caught his eyes staring at me. A little grin appeared on his face and he quickly looked away. My heart thumped loudly and a tight tingly feeling appeared in my chest. I was surprised Adian couldn't hear my heartbeat.
"So George, how is everything going with the deal?" a voice came from beside me.
"Yes everything is going well and I think I have made my mind up." George said glancing over at me. I caught his eye and gave him a puzzled look.
"What?"I mouthed. George shook his head slightly at me.
"Urm, Yes I have decided who I am going to sell my company to. I am going to sell my company to Adian Moone." George said glancing away from me. I gasped out loud and everyone looked over at me.
"Sorry, I have something in my throat. Let me just take a step outside." I pushed back my chair and stood up. Fear and worry overtook my body. George's company is his life and he knows that my husband cheats on me. Why on earth would he give it to my husband? His company helps protect files from the public and it supports the government. Its not like his company makes notebooks. I was outside now shivering next to a bench.
"Jess," a voice came from behind me. I turned around to see George stood behind me.
" What the fuck were you thinking? He is going to drag that company under and there will be nothing left for you." I said sharply turning to face him.
"It's okay baby,"
"Don't," I said crossing my arms and shivering.
"Please come inside, it is freezing cold out here and I don't want you to get ill." he mumbled.
" Answer me this, why did you do it? You know he's unfaithful-."
"-Ella. I did it for Ella." he mumbled.
I turned back round to face him.
"Ella? As in my daughter Ella?" my heart stopped. I took a minute to think about it. It made sense now. If Adian got the company we could get a divorce. Then when he dies the company would be left to Ella so she would always have something to fall back on. He watched me figure it out.
"Make sense now?" he asked
"Fucking hell George," I said walking over to him and pulling him into a kiss. His lips pressing on mine unleashed a ravenous hunger from inside me. I pulled him closer as his tongue wrapped around mine. I could feel him wanting me and craving me as much as I craved him. His lips were soft as I pulled away from the kiss and gently bit them. He pulled me back into the kiss and pushed me onto the bench.
"That was the most attractive thing you could have done for our family." I said breathlessly as his lips gently kissed my neck. A warm tingly feeling erupted in me. It was a craving. A craving for George.
"I love you so much that it was the best thing I could do for you." he said his lips pulling away from my neck. He looked into my eyes and smiled. He too was breathless. A little dimple appeared on his cheek. I watched his hair flutter in the breeze. How the hell did someone so perfect want me? He sat down next to me and gently lifted my chin to pull my face to his.
" I wanted to tell you, I really did. I just couldn't until I had announced it otherwise the deal would have been off and my lawyers wouldn't have supported me. I'm so sorry."
"Its okay, I'm so sorry I snapped at you. I just didn't want all your hard work to go to waste in the wrong hands." I stared subconsciously into my own hands on my lap. George pulled my hands into his.
"Its okay, I understand. You need to trust me though. I'm not Adian. You can trust me." he said soothing my worries. I leant against him, listening to his heart beating through his shirt. I could feel his hard muscular chest and his strong arms cradling me and my fears away. This is heaven. He placed his chin gently on the top of my head as I breathed into him smelling his signature scent of sauvage and salted caramel. I felt my hair flutter in the wind and knew his breath was making my hair dance.
"I don't want to, but maybe we should go back inside otherwise people might get suspicious. We have been out here long enough." George muttered into my hair. I knew he was right but I dont want to leave our bubble. Hidden away from the world

George went in first. After a few minutes I crept in behind him. Everyone was staring at me. I could feel their white hot glaze burning through my skin. Whispers danced in the air making my skin itch as I took my seat at the table. I looked over at George uneasy and panicked as he smiled and winked at me. Just two simple actions calmed me down and my heart went into a regular beat once again.
"Don't fucking embarrass me again." A hiss came from beside me. I shivered as a hand gripped my thigh under the table.
"I swear to God Jessica if you embarrass me again. I will let you have it right here at this dinner table and I won't hold back."
As he spoke these word he pushed his fingers into the large bruise on my thigh. I quivered in my seat.
"You understand?" his malicious voice arose again. I nodded. There was no hope from this anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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