An uncomfortable marriage

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My hands grab the banister as I walk down the stairs.
"Are you ready darling?" a rich voice shouts up.
I nibble my lip and sigh. Now was the time, I had to tell him that I knew.
"I'm coming" I say as I walk into his view. My husband stands there. He is tall, confident and loving. He is every girls dream. I meet his blue eyes with mine and smile nervously at him. He doesn't know I know that he cheats on me. He may be every girls dream however sometimes dreams can turn into nightmares. He stands confidently looking into the mirror at himself. I did say he was loving but what I forgot to mention that he was loving of himself. He honestly couldn't care less about me or my needs. I look at him and a cold feeling of disgust eats me up inside. He is smirking at himself in the mirror and pretending to fire his fingers like guns at himself. He may work for the government but he's not fucking James Bond for crying out loud. I roll my eyes at him.
"So do you like my dress then sweetheart?" I ask him. He glances at my reflection stood behind his in the mirror.
"Yeh, you look fine." he turns to look back at himself as he runs his hand over his dirty blonde hair. I sigh and walk into the kitchen to check in on our 15 year old daughter who is scavenging the fridge for something to eat. "We are going to dads bosses now are you sure you are going to be okay on your own?" I ask worriedly. I often feel guilty for leaving her on her own as I barely spend time with her anymore. We have never been a true family however I don't want that to affect my daughter.
"Mum, I'll be fine, go and enjoy your weird dinner and conversation about finance." she mutters
"I'm sorry I'm leaving you again tonight, help yourself to whatever."
"Cheers mum, have a good time and don't listen to dad he's a twat. You look gorgeous." she says. I smile at her and remind her about letting the dog out for a wee.
"Yes, I know. Just go on I will be fine." I kiss her goodbye and go and join my arsehole of a husband in the car.
We have been sat in silence for over an hour now.  Theres too much tension. He hates me and I hate him. The only reason I am still with him is the money.  The only reason he is still.  with me is he doesn't want his reputation ruined. He doesn't care about me or my family. He doesn't love me anymore, I remember the exact moment when I realised. It was about 5 years ago. He came in from work and he slammed the door, he didn't look or talk to me that entire night as he got pissed and drank his feelings. After he was drunk he spat at me and told me that he didn't think this was working and there was no point anymore. He said there was no point in anything any more. He has never told me that he doesn't love me. I just know. Besides he haven't slept together since that night.
"Babe." he spoke, his words cutting the silence and pulling me out of my thoughts
"Yes?" I asked.
"I was thinking, maybe you should let me handle Mr Mackay tonight, I want this deal to go well and if you talk to much it could throw us off."
"Yes Adain" I said.
We sat in silence for the rest of the journey.

"Good evening Mrs Moone" I hear a husky voice speak. I turn around to see my favourite face. His soft blue eyes met mine. I looked at his perfect face. This soft blonde hair with a tiny tint of ginger. His little grin guarded by his sharp jawline. His little dimple studded his smile. God his smile. That smile could make my heart skip a beat anywhere in any situation.
"Hi George," I said smiling at him "What are you doing here? This is your meeting after all aren't you supposed to be mingling with people you don't care about?" I asked returning a smile. When I'm with George I feel like a young girl again. I feel loved. Safe. Happy.
"Cheeky." George said moving closer to me, he bent down next to my ear and his warm breath tickled my ear. I breathed in a delicious scent of Sauvage and salted caramel. This man was everything. I turned away from him to catch my breath as smelling him made me feel lightheaded. I felt him come closer to me as he leaned down and whispered into my ear.
"Don't worry about the meeting tonight, I've got it sorted."
I turned to face him, nodding. 
"I'll see you later." he said as he quickly placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.
I smiled and walked through George's hallway and into his metallic kitchen. I saw my dog turd of a husband flirting with another woman. I get it I flirted with George but I didn't do it in front of people.
"So I was on my yacht drinking champagne- Ah! Darling there you are." He said greeting me. His hand tightly gripped my waist. It was sticky and clammy.
"I was just telling these people about the Caribbean trip." I smiled uncomfortably thinking about how I would rather be in Georges arms right now rather than this mans arms. He isn't my husband he is a strange man who lives in my house and eats my food. I don't recognise him anymore.

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