Chapter Eight: An Official Assignment

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“So,” said the Shark. “Exactly how much of this confidential information have my inexperienced sidekicks leaked to you?”

“Just about the anti-Super detectors,” said Nicole guiltily. “That’s all, I swear.”

“That’s true,” agreed Marianne.

“Well then, I suppose I’ll have to do the work of explaining myself,” he grumbled. “Here’s the situation. Someone, we don’t know who, has constructed a secret base disguised as a cloud floating over Fantastic City. All we know about it so far is that it has produced a suit giving the wearer Super-like capabilities, but real Supers are completely kept out. Judging by what the Soaring Angel has seen of the size and population of the Stuffed Cloud, it appears to have been in existence for a very long time and is employing thousands of Normals.”

“And what the Soaring Angel hasn’t told you, Shark,” interrupted Mr B, “is that one of those Normals is your Reporter, Cindy Cyan.”

The Shark didn’t respond. He tightened his fist, but left it where it was, resting on the surface of the hologram projector. There were several long moments, during which Nicole shifted uncomfortably. Then he cleared his throat.

“As I was saying,” he said. “With the high population of Normals on the Stuffed Cloud, it should be easy for you to blend right in. We’ve refitted one of our helicopters to look like the ones used for shuttling Normals to the secret base. You’re going up in one of those. Get ready.”

“What?” said Marianne. “You mean now?”

“We have the Stuffed Cloud on round-the-clock surveillance now,” said the Shark. “And what we’ve seen is that it’s only slightly less active at night than at day. Now is when we’re ready, and so now is when you’re going.”

“I know, sir. I’m not arguing with that. It’s just that. . . I’m really not used to fighting crime at night.”

“You aren’t?’ said the Shark, raising one eyebrow skeptically.

“No, sir. I have a curfew.”

Behind her back, James did a facepalm.

“Supers don’t have curfews, Miss Averrige,” said the Shark severely.

“In my defense,” said Marianne, “I think the reason I’m here tonight is because I am not a Super.” There was a long pause then, as everybody nervously held their breath. “But if I am to continue working with you,” she continued, “I’ll be sure to become as like one as is possible.”

Mr B smiled at her. “Nicely handled, Marianne.”

“Thank you, sir. Where did you say the helicopter was?”

James and Nicole each stepped forward and took one of her arms then, and they managed to lead her away to the helicopter bay before she managed to insult anybody else. “That was stupid,” Nicole muttered to her as they rushed along. “You do not ever talk back to the Shark. Unless you’re James. Which wouldn't make you any less stupid.”

Nicole got into the helicopter with Marianne, because she had to give her all the last-minute details on the layout of the Stuffed Cloud, and James got into the helicopter because he hadn’t asked the Shark’s permission and therefore hadn’t gotten an express order not to. And at the last minute, Mr B poked his head in too.

“Miss Averrige,” he said. “Having fully considered what we are asking you to do, and as a way of saying thanks for your help, we have decided to officially name you an honorary Super.”

And then he tapped on the helicopter’s window to tell the pilot to take off, so that Marianne’s squeal of pure joy was cut off by the roar of the blades.

That joy lasted her the entire ride, from the Fantastic City Super Headquarters—the helicopter bay was actually located under the ocean bay, so when they came out it was through a whirlpool-like spray of water several yards high—and all the way to the Stuffed Cloud. Marianne bounced in her seat, turning this way and that. She leaned way over to see the panorama of Fantastic City below her. “The statue of Fantastic Many looks beautiful from way up here! Nicole, is this what you feel like when you’re flying?”

“No,” said Nicole. “Now listen, all of the lines lead to one big main building—”

“I get it,” said Marianne. “Nicole, did you hear what he said? James, did you hear? I’m officially a Super!”

“Yes, we heard,” said James tiredly.

“Gosh, isn’t the view beautiful up here! I can see my house from here!”

“No you can’t, Marianne. It’s too dark and too small.”

“Do you think I’ll be able to take down the whole Cloud tonight? Or just infiltrate the authorities?”

All in all, everybody felt it was a blessing when the helicopter finally burst through the cloud wall around the secret base and Marianne finally shut her mouth. This construction was even more impressive that the Fantastic City Super Headquarters.

“Good luck,” said Nicole as the helicopter touched down on one of the empty landing pads.

“Yeah,” said James. “Don’t get hurt.”

“I’ll be all right, guys,” said Marianne with a smile and a careless wave of her hand. She leapt out of the helicopter, and melted right away into one of the lines. The twins kept their eyes on her as long as they could. She didn’t look back at them once.

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