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Remind me what it's like, oh


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It's been ten years since Hina and Wonho had become friends at the park. They had gotten really close over the years and that contained Shownu who has been stuck by Wonho up until this very day. The two being there for each other whenever they needed it the most.

Despite how his and Hina's friendship has been going, things began to get sheepish between the 17-year-old Hina and 19-year-old Wonho. It just hasn't been the same and Hina has been ignoring this tugging feeling for as long as she could.

One day she got home with tearful eyes, her mind running through extensive scenarios of what she might've done to have upset Wonho. She bursts into Shownu's room, sniffing as she looks around for him.

"Hina?" Shownu's voice could be heard from the other side of the bed where he sat, playing video games.

At the mere sight of him, Hina breaks down even more. Shownu jumps to his feet and runs to console her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shownu questions, pulling her into a gentle hug.

"I-it's Wonho. He's been a-avoiding me for these couple of months and I don't know why," She manages to get out between sharp intakes of breath. She looks up at her brother, wanting to discover any evidence from his eyes. "Is it because he's dating someone?"

Shownu had the most confused expression on his face. "Wonho? No, he's not dating anyone. He's never dated, anybody. I know he had a crush but he never got around to telling me the name."

"Then I must have done something to upset him!" Hina wails in despair.

"Hina, I'm sure that's not the case. Y'know what, I'm actually heading over there to play some ball, maybe I'll just talk to him." Shownu reassured her, squeezing her shoulder lightly but Hina didn't reply and kept her gaze downwards. "Don't worry about it, lil sis. I'm sure you did nothing wrong."

After Hina had gone to her room, Shownu began to pull on his sneakers and head to the front door. His mind was playing like a film roll, realising that Wonho has been different whenever Hina was mentioned.

At Wonho's place, Shownu decided not to bombard him with questions straight away. Instead they chatted a bit and went outside to play catch, each one having a glove around their left hand to catch the baseball.

"So Wonho," Shownu begun, catching the ball effortlessly before sending it back to the boy. "What's going on with you?"

Wonho irked up an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Shownu gave him a second longer look before throwing the ball back at him. "Why have you been avoiding Hina?"

It was as if Wonho has prepared and recited this line over and over in his mind for it came out without hesitance nor speculation.

"I've been really busy, it wasn't like I'm avoiding her on purpose," Wonho said, casually. "I just don't have time to hang out much, I hope she understands."

Shownu didn't believe him, heck, he's known Wonho for more than ten years. But he didn't interrogate him further and merely nodded.

It was two days later that they met up again at one of their friend's birthday parties, where Shownu also brought Hina along with him as a plus one. Shownu eyed Wonho closely when the other finally spotted Hina who was approaching him. Wonho's eyes widened before he immediately turned around from her line of vision.

Hina stopped in her tracks after witnessing the same thing. Shownu came up to her, he definitely could see something was up. "Hina, could you wait here for me? I'll get ourselves something to drink. Cola?"

"Alcohol." Hina retorted, earning a flick at her head from Shownu who rolled his eyes.

"You're getting Cola or ice water."

Shownu made his way to Wonho and helped himself to the drinks that were lined on the kitchen counter. "Hey man, tell me, what's really going on? I've seen the way you've been avoiding her."

"Who?" Wonho asked, dumbly. His eyes fumbled with the soju bottle cap before he began to pour the contents in small shot glasses.

"Hina! For God's sake, Wonho."

"Hina?" Wonho repeated, lifting his darkened gaze to Shownu. "Why would I avoid her? As you can see, I'm just busy."

Wonho gestured to the five-shot glasses of soju in front of him. Shownu shook his head, grabbing a can of coke and moving away to where Hina was.

"Come, I'll introduce you to everyone," Shownu suggested, ushering her to the lounge area.

After a quick introduction, they made Hina try and get their names again. So with a thoughtful expression, Hina pointed a forefinger at each one.

"So you're Jooheon? You're IM? You're Hyungwon, Minhyuk and Kihyun?" She smiled in satisfaction after they began to nod, meaning she had gotten them all right.

Wonho sat on one of the single seats, nearby. His ears perking up at the exchange that Kihyun and Hina were engrossed in. Wonho didn't like the fact that they were getting too 'buddy, buddy' with each other. He took a peek above his shoulder, just in time to witness Kihyun moving a thread of hair behind Hina's ear.

That's when Wonho got up from his seat, legs taking him to the nearest room so he wouldn't throw an angry fit in front of everyone. But Shownu didn't leave him be, instead, the boy had followed him inside a few seconds later.

"What's your deal, man?!" Shownu polled, his voice soaring an octave huger than usual.

Wonho groaned, ruffling his hair aggressively. "Y'know Shownu, you're my best friend. Hina's also my friend, she's like a little sister to me but I can't do this. It's so wrong."

Shownu was now perplexed, with furrowed brows and his mouth ajar. He asked in a quiet and calm manner. "What's wrong, Wonho?"

"Hyung, I think I'm in love with your little sister," Wonho responded, a crack at the end of the sentence that defined his sentiment as a whole.

Wonho didn't bother to wait for the older's response and instead walked out of the room and from the life of the party before Shownu could process the entire event.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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