22 | white picket fences

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At the scene, the hunters realized that it must have been the same kind of monster, but it was definitely not the same thing they were hunting. Which is why they left it to the local hunters and turned back. Josie offered to drive the rest of the way home, but Dean refused.

"Okay, but before you fall asleep on the wheel, we'll switch, all right? I won't total your car", she grumbled in a huff because he wouldn't let her drive the Impala, "And if I do, I can fix it"

"Alright, it's fine", he appeased her, tossing his jacket in the back seat before driving off.

Josie was overcome with fatigue herself and decided to get some rest in case she did have to drive. As Dean steered the car across the highway, Josie climbed awkwardly into the back.

"I've never seen anything so elegant", Dean laughed as she flopped right between the front bench and the one in the back..

"Shut up and focus on the road", she grumbled blushed, finally managing to lie down. 

She took the jacket and rolled it up as a pillow substitute. Even though the Chevy was louder than the music, Dean turned it down. Again and again, he looked in the rearview mirror and positioned it just so he could see the huntress. If he had ever imagined an angel, it would probably have been that exact image.

But the silence didn't last long, because Dean's cell phone rang incessantly until the hunter finally managed to get it out of his pocket, and without driving the car into the ditch in the process. Josie opened her eyes, grumbling, and recognized Dean's apologetic look through the rearview mirror.

 Josie opened her eyes, grumbling, and recognized Dean's apologetic look through the rearview mirror

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"What?", he then snarled into the cell phone, not paying attention to the number.

"Dean, I need your help, or rather yours", the guy on the other end started.

"You don't say, and I thought you were calling to invite me for some tea and biscuits", the Winchester countered.

"We can gladly do that after you help me kill that damn banshee."

"Really you're calling about a banshee? Even our apprentice can handle that", Dean laughed, squinting at Josie in the back seat.

"Well great, bring him in if he's so good at it", the other hunter grumbled in a huff.

"We're working our own case right now, but I'll make sure we check up on you, just give me an address."

"Thanks man!", the hunter's friend rejoiced.

"Do we have another case?", she mumbled tiredly, loosening Dean's jacket, which she was still using as a pillow.

"Nothing worth mentioning, little banishment spell and that's it", he defended unimpressed.

"Dean, you forget that not everyone has the knowledge of the Men of Letters", she reprimanded him for treating the hunter derogatorily. 

"Doesn't change the fact that this evil bitch will be dealt with quickly."

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