"Why on my right?" Bonnie wondered out loud. She felt an arm come around her shoulder as Marceline leaned in.

"Look around. All the guys sit to the right of their dates. Common courtesy around here." She explained fast, the ceremony was about to begin. Bonnie just nodded. The ceremony came and went. Soon the music was playing. Bonnie was freaking out but trying not to show it. Marceline just scanned the crowd. Bonnie looked at the people who were already dancing and tried to find any similar steps but noticed that it was hard to find 2 or more couples that danced the same.

"Why does everyone dance different?" Bonnie looked at Marcy who automatically looked at her.

"Want the long version or short version." She asked.

"As long as it needs to be." Bonnie said, she needed to be distracted for abit and was extremely curious. (The following is all true btw.)

"Well, it depends where they descended from. Some people dance one specific way and others another depending on who their ancestors were. Let's say that that couple," she pointed at a young taco dancing with an enchilada, "descended from the north, they're prone to looking more stiff then someone from the south." She pointed towards a Brazilian chili and a burrito. "Then after they learn to dance from their ancestors, they tweak it slightly in their own way to make it more comfortable for them. In this dance, the man has more authority so the woman is expected to fall into the mans step." They watched the same two couples switch partners as the Brazilian chili got the enchilada girl and made her more fluidly while the taco made the burrito dance abit more stiffly, both girls matching the guys pace. Bonnie nodded at this.

"I see, so in this case, you'd be the lead." Bonnie observed.

"Yes something like that." Marceline's lips twitched into a smile. "C'mon let's dance." Bonnie gave her a nervous glance but Marceline reached for her hand and smiled warmly.

"O-okay." She slid her hand into Marceline's and allowed her to guide her to the dance floor.

"Okay Bon." Marceline kept a hold on her left hand and kept them up. "Right hand on my shoulder." She did as she was told but squeaked as she felt a hand on her waist. "Okay this ones a good one for beginners." She got the rhythm and began to slowly take steps. "Okay, all you have to do is the opposite of me. So I step to my right, you step to your right." She took a step with her right and moved her left leg behind her in one fluid motion, then moved her left leg to the front and stepped behind with her right and repeated this until Bonnie joined in. "You got it. Now I'm going to push you backwards. Don't worry you won't fall, just keep dancing." Marceline began to slightly push her, Bonnie did as she was told and soon found it almost like a second instinct. "Good. Now here comes a spin. Don't let go of my right hand. When I'm done spinning you, I'll catch you by the waist and you put your hand on my shoulder okay?" Bonnie nodded and bit her lip. In a quick wrist motion, Marceline was spinning Bonnie. After two turns, she caught Bonnie. Bonnie was grinning widely. They continued this until the song ended. They headed to sit down. They got two tequila shots and downed them.

"Thank you Marceline." Bonnie smiled.

"The nights still young, don't thank me just yet." They took another one when a song blared in the air and Marceline grinned widely. "That's my song!" She stood and raced to the dance floor dragging Bonnie with her. (Song on here) As the beat started, Marceline slammed her heels along with the beat, just like all the other guys did. Bonnie looked around somewhat startled as some of the girls began to jump around to the rhythm as well. As soon as the intro was over, people took off jumping and spinning. Marceline did to but in a slower pace, waiting for Bonnie to get a hang of it. When she did, they went off all around the dance floor, unknowingly out shinning every other couple. Bonnie giggled as Marceline smiled widely. Bonnie pressed herself closer to the vampire swaying her hips more, loosening up slightly. When the song ended, they went to sit again. They kept drinking and dancing until the party was over. Bonnie called Lady. She was abit to tipsy. She leaned against the vampire and closed her eyes gently. She felt someone shaking her shoulders lightly. She opened her eyes and saw that she was on her balcony. Hadn't she just blinked? Whatever. She smiled sleepily at Marceline and pulled her in for a hug.

"Goodnight Marcy." Said the sleepy girl. Marceline wrapped her arms around her.

"Goodnight kid." She kissed the pink girls forehead. When she was about to pull away, the pink girl yanked her down and kissed her hard. Marceline smiled against her lips and kisses her back, pulling away after a few minutes.

"Thank you." Said Bonnie breathlessly.

"No, thank you, Bon." Bonnie smiled and stumbled into her room and fell onto her bed, soft snores being heard almost immediately. Marceline shook her head and grinned, closing the doors to the balcony. She pulled out her phone in one quick motion and dialed a number on her speed dial.

"Hello?" The person answered.

"Hey Jake, thanks for those last minute dance lessons." She replied.

"No problem Marce. Have fun with her?" Asked Jake.

"Yea." Marceline licked her lips, turning to catch one last glimpse of the sleeping princess, still tasting her. "Yea I did." With that they hung up and Marceline went home before the sun rose.

(A/N: I want to apologize if this sucks, it's 2 am. And I'm somewhat buzzed xD. I want to apologize for not writing. School is draining me physically and emotionally. I love you all. I'll update the others soon. I'm halfway through a mafia boss chapter and the other one is just whatever comes to mind that specific day. Here's an extra long for y'all's troubles and for waiting for me. Bye!)

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