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The number two for Thomas means everything...

Two identities

Two names

Two lives

Two times he thought he lost everything

Two people going back to Beacon Hills

Two people hiding themselfes

Two people that looked innocent

Two month

Two month since they are back

Two weeks after their coming back they were kicked out of the pack

Two times Thomas thought that her sister died

Two secrets to hide

Two, he was subject A2

It is always two.


So~ As first part is not that bad right?
Right? 🥺
Oh and pretend Allison/Teresa always had blue eyes 😫🤚🏻
If you are wondering what does Allison/Teresa look like I imagined like a mix of the two, but you can imagine her how the hell you want.


~Two~ - Tmr x TwΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα