The look on their faces told her that she had closed the deal.

"But if you think that the money is too much to keep your love life alive, I guess you needn't buy the software." She worked hard to stop herself from smirking.

They both shook their head subconsciously.

"I mean she does have a point, hon" the girl said to the guy. "You do spend a lot of time updating your account books and I'm so exhausted by the time you're done that we never get to do anything any more."

"That's true. And no amount of money is too much to be with you, baby. You know that right?" The guy cooed.

She nodded in agreement.

"We'll buy the software."

"You both have made an excellent decision. I will get in touch with you for the paperwork. And at any point of time if you have any product related issues or queries here's our company card. My number's on the back." She said handing the card over to the girl. "And I wish you both best of luck." She smiled broadly

Jane and the guy shook hands on it. 

"Closed a deal!" she texted him as she got out of the restaurant and into a cab.

"Amazing! Nice work!" He replied.

"Thanks for the tip!" She texted.

"What tip??"

"The hot dogs and melons! They care more about each other than they do about their business. Just made them see how the product would help their love life and now I own them!" she texted back.

"Coool! I mean I did help you out there but!"

"Oh please"


"What you upto?"

"Board meeting."

"Aren't you supposed to be concentrating then?"

"Nah. I'm not really needed here. But pretentious board members like me to be one of the people bobbing my head at their suggestions."

"And are you bobbing your head?" She laughed as she sent that text.

"In between texts...yup :-P"

"Continue that then...See you later!"


"Jane?" His text had come around 8:00 at night.

"Hey Edmond. What's up?"

"I wanna tel you funny story"

Jane had been getting ready to go to bed but one look at that text and all her sleep was gone.


"I was borrred. Wanna talk to you."

"Where are you?? Any chance you're drunk?"

"Yessss. How jid you guess? You shuld win a prize"

"Do you need me to come get you?"

"Wuld you? That wuld be mice. This man is saying I shuld go. How do you spell shud? Shoud. Shold. Shooud. Iss okay. I can't remember. I jus want to sleeeep."

She called him up.


"Hiiiee Janee" he answered the phone.

"Edmond, give the phone to the man who's telling you to leave."

She heard him giving the phone to someone. "She wans to talk to you"

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