0.2 | Chapter 2

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Mia POV:

We arrive at headquarters and I say goodbye to my dad as I follow Ms Granada to the underground vault (I think that's what it's called) "Good morning, Ms Granada," I greet her. "Good morning, Mia." she greets me back.

As I went into the room I saw that everyone was 'studying' and I went to sit next to Wild Card as usual even though everyone knows I don't want to. Ms Granada leaves the room and Noodles stretches his head to check if she left and said "She's gone!"

(idk how to explain this cause its gonna happen when Missy comes so yeah) I walk to A Capella and Fast Forward "I almost thought you weren't coming," A Capella said as I walked to them.

"Sorry there was traffic on the way to send my sister to her school," I say to them. "It's fine," Fast Forward replies. And we start using our powers. I use my telekenises to lift me up form the floor. A Capella did the same with her singing. And as usual Fast Forward starts arguing with Rewind.

Suddenly Noodles said "She's coming!" and we all went back to our seats and pretended to study.

"Children this is Missy and she will be joining you today. Missy I would like you to sit over there and continue your studies like the other children," she motions Missy to sit next to Fast Forward.

"Children thank you for respecting my rules, I am sure your parents will be so proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior, well done," she says then leaves. Noodles then stretches his head and whisper yells "She's gone!"

We all then throw our papers in the air and started using our powers.

Missy POV:

I sit down next to a girl with black hair and a blue shirt. Suddenly a water paper airplane comes infront of me. I look at where its going and see a little girl with a pink shirt and overalls controlling it.

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