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"Have a good day at school boys" tony said before he drove off. Peter and Harley did their handshake before parting ways with each other. Peter going to mj and ned and Harley going to Betty and Chad.

The day went bye normally them going to their classes peter, occasionally getting called names by flash. Harley not finding out about it. Usually flash doesn't really bother peter when schools out. But I guess today was different.

"Hey parker why don't we go from a walk" he said nodding his head towards the back exit and throwing his arm around his shoulder. Peter sighed

The next think you know he's being beaten up by flash and his gang. Which he has no idea where they came from.
He so far has a bruise forming on is jaw, a cut lip, bruises on his stomach, and probably a broken rib.

Harley was waiting for peter so they could walk home. He hasn't come out yet. He was starting to get worried. So he decided to look for him. He was about to turn the corner when he heard yelling. He recognized that voice. Flash.

He peaked around the corner and saw flash practically dragging and shoving him inside. He heard him talk to Peter. "If you tell anyone anything, parker.... I'll make your life hell" he said pushing him more into the locker holding him by his shirt.

"Understand" he asked. Peter didn't respond, out of breath and trying to get out of his grip. Flash pushed him more into the locker. "Do you understand" he repeated louder. "I understand" Peter said through gritted teeth.

Flash and his gang left through the back exit. Peter started walking in the direction of Harley. They both put on an act. "Oh hey Pete, I was just about to go looking for you" Harley said pretending like he just ran into him.

"Yeah sorry just had to get some thing from my locker and it wouldn't budge" Peter said. Harley wanted to say so. Thing, he did. But he knew Peter would deny it.

They eventually got home and Peter had gone straight to his room. Harley sighed and went to his room. Peter had addressed his injuries while Harley did his homework. When they were finished Peter switched to doin his homework and Harley was thinking about what to do.

Harley finally decided to tell their mom and dad. He went downstairs and he saw his mom and dad sitting on the couch with the rest of the team.

He was pacing in the living room wringing his hands. Everyone watched him. "You ok harls" his dad, tony, asked. "Peters being bullied" he blurted out. Everyone sat up. "WHAT" they all said in unison.

"Are you sure sweetie" his mom, pepper, asked. He nodded. He explained everything he saw to the team. They had mixed emotions. Some wanted to murder flash. And some were sorrowful for Peter.

About 2 hours later, Peter came down but he was on the phone. He was talking while holding his phone in between his ear and shoulder. Also holding a science book.

"Yeah. I mean if you up the velocities then it should be...... 96. Great now that we're done with that" he said. "Hold up I'm gonna put you on speaker ok" he said he put his book at the corner of the counter and pressed speaker.

"I'm just saying it's possible for a body to disintegrate in that much chlorine" the person in the phone said. Everyone looked horrified yet Peter wasn't even phased.

"Wade, it's concerning that you even know that, much less think that" Peter said. "Well what r u gonna do about it" wade said. They were talking for a little longer. "Well wade I'm gonna go, it's almost dinner, catch ya later" he said and hung up.

Peter grabbed his book and took it up stairs. He came back down a few minutes later sat on the couch and went on his phone. Unaware of everyone glancing at him.

They were all about to ask him when his phone rang. "Hello, what the hell, how'd you get my number, leave me the fuck alone flash" he said and hung up.

Tony looked over at his son. "Everything alright" he asked "ya just some stupid kid from school" he said going back to his phone. Tony nodded and went back to what he was doing.

About an hour later they decided to talk to Peter, who moved to the kitchen. They all got up and sat at the table. Peter confused on what's going on put his phone down and payed more attention to them.

"Peter we need to talk" Tony said. Peter looked at everyone. "Okay" he said. "What about" he added. They all hesitated.

"We know your getting bullied" Tony admitted. Peter was panicking inside. They found out. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about" he said. Acting like he wasn't.

"Peter, I saw you" Harley admitted. Peter looked at him. "I saw you getting pushed up against the locker by flash" Harley said. Peter looked down.

Not bc he was ashamed. Maybe he was. But he felt his phone vibrate he glanced at it and it was flash texting him slurs. He rolled his eyes.

"listen, I'm not being bullied ok" he said. Everyone sighed. He was the most stubborn out of all of them. He tried to get up but was pushed back down by nat and bucky. "Sit down" they said at the same time. He sighed and shifted in the chair. He wanted to leave now.

"I'm not being bullied" he said through gritted teeth. "Then what was that at school" Harley said. "I don't know man, it's flash what do you expect" Peter said throwing his arms up.

"Peter, stop lying, Harley explained everything" his mom, pepper said. They all sat in silence. Until he finally spoke.

"Fine, fine, fine, he's bullying me, is that what you wanted to hear" he yelled. The pressure being to much to handle.

It was silent.

"Why do you let him" Harley spoke quietly. Tears in his eyes. The thought of his brother being bullied and acting like he was fine, was heartbreaking.

"What do you want me to do! It's not like I can tell him to stop and he just listens! Because he thinks it's funny that my biological family is dead and that it's a good idea for him and his gang to beat me everyday!" He yelled. He finally spoke the genuine truth.

Harley was quick to walk around the table and pull his brother to his feet and bring him Into a hug. One hand holding him and the other on the back of his head. Peter slowly leaned into the hug Barrying his head into the crook of his neck. Silently crying into his  shoulder. Holding him tightly.

They just stood there holding each other. "I'm sorry, it'll get better I promise. I'll always be with you" Harley whispered into his ear. Peter nodded his head slightly squeezing his eyes shut.

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