I have an adopted bro not really but ok.

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HEY! long time no post eh.

So i felt like talking to you people after i was at my school basketball game. I am on the team and was kicked by a horse so i dont play but i stay and i sit on the bench and watch. i was heckled by my own friends. and after the game i rubbed it in the faces of the boys team that the taller and more attractive boys on the other team won. They retorted with ' at least i played' I think a small part of my brain malfunctioned because i blanked. I stood there, fists clenched jaw by my knees, eye twitching. and all that could come out of my mouth was 'pardon?' He repeated him self and i let loose. i was like " LISTEN HERE BUDDY. YOU DIDNT GET KICKED BY A HORSE AN ANIMAL THAT COULD DENT YOUR FACE. YOU DONT HAVE A BLACK BRUISE UP TO YOUR ELBOW! YOU MR.HOTSHOT SHOULD NOT I REPEAT NOT BE TALKING." i left him at his locker looking and im sure feeling like a pathetic looser. but that was rude.

i turned on my heel flipped my hair and walked down the hall yelling "EAT IT" as i turned the corner.

that was my day.

so at our game today i was sitting on the bench with one of my best friends Olivia. we have this huge wood square bin that holds all our basket balls and we leave it out when there is a game. they boys were playing right after us so them along with the other schools boy team were sitting around the bin, talking making friends and what not.  i was watching them and counting how many boys there were on the other team. There was one boy. SITTING. in the ball bin. I was not i mean not alright with this. I started rambling off to emily and Olivis saying" THAT GUY IS SITTING ON OUR BALLS!" Of coarse being teenage girls they think that this is just hilarious.  " no this is not ok a swear, what happens if he is wearing cleats and he pops my balls?!' once again i repeat teenage girls. "Im going over there and im going to say listen buddy youre going to need to get off our balls, and step away from the bin," But i didnt. sadly.  Olivia says "oh admit it Skyler hes hot" I think about this. " Yeah well just because hes hot doesnt mean he can stand on my balls" "

"So you do think hes hot?"

"yes very"


no i didnt but think about how funny that would have been.

I had some other pretty funny things to tell but when i do i just waist time not being funny.

Ok so i asked my friend if his parents like me and my family and he said yeah they really like your family. so i though huh. thats weird because last i heard YOU WERE TRASH TALKIN MY GRANDMA!

i think i almost killed a little boy today.

Im not exactly sure how but when i walked past he passed out. So i sniffed my pit. fruity like a tropical breeze. every thing else smelled like roxy perfume.

I made a small child pass out.

Im sick so this is going to be short and sweet. here it goes.

Bye XD I have a bro. eat it.

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