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(A/N note: It had been almost two months since the battle and Erwin's death. Levi was now eight months pregnant, almost nine. Erwin died protecting Levi from a Titan, all Levi could get from him was his blood stained jacket. Which now hung above the empty crib for there coming baby. Also, in this story I am making it so that Jean, Connie, Hange, or Eren didn't die.)

I grabbed Ervin's jacket off of the hook, the knot in the sleeve just like before. I clutched it close to my chest, still a faint smell of him lingering onto the jacket. I slowly walked over to my bed, well our bed. Tears welling up in my eyes. "Ervin, I, I can't do this alone. You said we'd see it together, we'd live together, once the hell stopped. But you lied! You fucking lied. Now I am alone, I have to have his baby without you. You know how fucking scary that is? Do you know how much I cry into your jacket? Every single fucking day. Im scared Ervin, I can't do this alone" I sobbed. "I need you Erwin" I just laid there sobbing.

Once I thought I had cried out all the tears I had, I gently laid the jacket over my swollen bump. "Hey baby, you know, this was your daddy's jacket. I'm gonna tell you all about him." I was trying to choke back new tears. "He was so strong, he sacrificed his life for us. He wanted to meet you so bad. He just couldn't wait to be a dad, he would've been such a great dad. When we had just found out, he wanted to everything with you. He couldn't keep his hands off you. He would sing to you, read to you..." I started to cry again. "He was perfect. One day you'll grow up, and you can wear this jacket. You better wear it with pride and take good care of it. Cause you'll be wearing chief commander Erwin Smith's jacket and all of the legacy that comes with it. He fought and died to give you better world for you to live in than he had. He loves you so much, he'll be watching over you. Know that he will always keep you safe and protect you, like he did for me. We love you, little bean." Levi's voice trailed off. Soft sobs could be heard in the hallway. 

Without you (Levi x Erwin mpreg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora