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I could hear the sounds in the back of my mind. The squeaking of rubber on wood, the thud of a body sliding across the floor, the exploding smack of the ball. As I walked out of the doctor's office, my hands trembled with anger. Once again, more bad news.

I sat on the bench outside, waiting for my friend Kiyoko to pick me up. I glanced at my phone, a few notifications staring back at me from the family group chat. I opened it up, trying to distract myself from the pain.

Fumiko: Emiko, how is your knee today? Sincerely, Fumiko.

Aiko: She's going in to see the doctor. She's gonna play in tomorrow's tournament!!!

Etsuko: Well, it's about gosh dang time that stupid knee of hers stops holding her back.

Fumiko: Calm down, Etsuko. Sincerely, Fumiko.

Etsuko: Stop texting like a 90 yrs old woman writing a letter. Sincerely, Etsuko.

I giggled to myself, though I was trying to hold tears back as I typed back my response.

Emiko: 1 Attatchment

My phone began blowing up immediately, relieved that Aiko had already started practice so she couldn't respond. It was better for the doctor's health that way.

Etsuko: You're kidding me, right?! RIGHT?!

Fumiko: Oh no! I thought you were going to play tomorrow! Sincerely, Fumiko.

I swallowed hard, relieved when Kiyoko pulled up.

Emiko: I have to get to practice. I'll update you on everything tonight.

"Sato!" Kiyoko called from her car. "Are you ready?"

I smiled as I got in, putting on a brave face. "Hey, Kiyoko. Thanks so much for picking me up."

She gave a soft smile as she pulled away from the curb. "Of course." She then paused. "You don't have your crutches. Are you going to play tomorrow?"

I shook my head. "Instead I have this knee brace. The doctor said now I can finally play in practice, but nothing that requires me to run or jump."

"So mostly everything."


She rested a hand on my shoulder, not taking her eyes off the road. "I'm so sorry."

I forced a smile and looked out the window. "It's fine, you know? I don't have to be stressed about the games tomorrow. I can sleep carefree tonight."

"You and I both know you won't get any sleep tonight," Kiyoko said with absolute certainty. She wasn't wrong. Playing or not, I would always be invested in Karasuno's games as if I was stepping onto the court with them. I gave a chuckle.

"You're right, of course. But I think it's good that I won't play tomorrow. I haven't touched a volleyball in ages. Could you imagine if Suzuki actually let me play with the lack of practice I've had?"

"He would. In a heartbeat," Kiyoko said, expressionless.

"Honestly, I would've been terrified if I'd been injured any other time during my volleyball career. The difference is that they have Aiko now. She's carried a team before quite well. I know she can do it." I just wish she didn't have to carry them alone.

I gathered my things as Kiyoko pulled into a parking stall in the Karasuno parking lot. "You could help Nakamura out," Kiyoko said. "He still believes he's drowning in stats."

I laughed. "He told me. That's his job as our manager, though. I suppose I could help from the stands, but I can't be on the court, since I'm not playing."

Kiyoko glanced at her watch. "Practice starts soon for the boys. You could come watch. I'm sure it would help boost Suga's morale for tomorrow."

My heart fluttered at the mention of his name, though it sunk immediately. I shook my head. "I shouldn't. I need to let Coach Suzuki know that I won't be playing tomorrow. Besides, Suga should focus for tomorrow." I paused. "Does he have any chance of playing tomorrow?"

Kiyoko sighed. "I don't know. I believe that Kagaeyama will start, though."

My heart sank deeper. "The first year setter from Kitagawa First?" Kiyoko nodded.

"You should probably get to practice, then. Do you need any help?" she asked, gesturing to my knee brace. I shook my head.

"No, I'll be fine. Thanks though. Wish the boys luck for me, though!"

"I will. Good luck to your team as well."

It wasn't long before I walked into the gym, where shockingly every girl on the team showed up to practice. Nakamura seemed pleased with himself, though Suzuki looked disappointed to see that it took the team times like the day before the game for everyone to show up so they could play. I knew our captain Michimiya tried her best, but at the end of the day, it's what every individual girl wants to do.

"Hey, Sato Sr.," Nakamura beamed as he noticed me walk in. His smile dropped when he noticed the knee brace. "Wait... can you still...?"

I opened my mouth to answer when a thunderous noise echoed throughout the gym I watched the ball shoot barely above the net, dropping just on the right hand corner of the court. I glanced back to watch my little sister Aiko smirk, knowing full well she did that on purpose. Despite being a first year, she might as well have been the best one on the team. I couldn't help but smile at my sister's small little victory.

"Great serve, Sato Jr.!" our captain Michimiya called to Aiko. I could've sworn I saw Aiko flinch. I turned my attention back to Nakamura, shaking my head. His jaw dropped.

"You ca- are you serious?" he asked.

I nodded. "It's okay, though. Aoki is doing great at setting."

"Eh. Not as good as you," a voice said from behind Nakamura. "Still busted up, kid?"

"Coach!" I said. I cleared my throat and gestured to my knee brace. "Yes, sir."

"Can you play tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

"No, sir, but I can practice a bit today, as long as it doesn't include running or jumping. Really as long as I'm standing still, I can practice."

"That's no fun, but it's good to hear you're one step closer to being back. Now go warm up your serves for a bi-"

"Sato Sr.!" one of our wing spikers called. "Guys, she's off crutches!" Everyone rushed over except for Aiko, who was still serving.

Sasaki, the girl who'd called everyone over, jumped on me squeezing me tightly. "Our setter is back! General Sato is back!"

I gave a soft chuckle. "Whoa! Careful Sasaki. You might break me all over again."

"No crutches, huh? Are you really going to play tomorrow?" Michimiya asked.

"Finally, sets that I can hit," Aihara, our ace, said. On the court, I trusted her with my sets more than anyone else. Off the court, though, I wanted nothing to do with her. She was a mean girl with anyone outside of volleyball, which took a while to fix, but that's not what bugged me the most about her. She also relentlessly hit on Suga when we were together one time. She might have backed off, maybe immediately, but it was the thought that counts. She also has tried her hand at swooping in since we've broken up, which I don't appreciate either. Not that it mattered. Suga can do what he wants. I couldn't care less who he spent his time with. As long as it wasn't her. Not that I care or anything.

Manami Aoki, the setter who replaced me, shifted her weight, noticeably getting uncomfortable with the things people were saying to me. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Just as I was about to intervene, Coach cut me off.

"Sato Sr. will not be playing with us tomorrow, but she will be practicing with us today for a little bit," he announced.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Aiko's voice shrieked as she pushed through the crowd.

The Sato Dynasty (Haikyuu! x OCs)Where stories live. Discover now