"You Crazy Bitch!,"

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I was standing watching the fire when six random boys came walking up to me, quickly circling me.

"Hey gorgeous, how about you come and help six great guys with something." I was quickly creeped out and wanted to leave.

"I think I need to get back to my friends." I tried to politely decline walking away from them when one of them grabbed my shoulder, shoving me back into the almoast full circle of teenage boys.

"Where do you think you're going darling, we're better than those losers anyway." One of them gave me a cup with some sort of black liquid in it.

"Here cupcake, drink up," I didn't want to automatically think they were bad, so I tried my best not to gag downing half of the gruelling drink.

"Come on, you can drink more than that gorgeous," the original boy stated.

"I think I'm okay, I don't think I can drink anymore." I said, trying to walk away, turning my back on the group. Until I felt hands creep around my waist and a head rest on my shoulders, I shoved the boy. "What is wrong with you!?" I yelled, not quite loud enough to alert the other boys.

Newts POV:

I had been thinking about the new greenie for the whole bonfire when Minho came over I took one last look toward the girl who was with Chuck staring adoring into the fire, I had made sure chuck new to hand her off to someone trustful before leaving her. I moved my attention to the Keeper of the runners,

"Someones got a crush," was the first thing he said to me.

"What? Why would you say that?" I replied, trying not to admit that I obviously had

"Oh, come on, the only time I see you look that lovingly at something is on the rare occasion. Fry decides to cook bacon."He joked towards me, and I tried defending myself.

"No way, the only reason I look at her is because I'm curious why, after all this time, the creators sent up a girl,"

"mhmmm," Minho replied, obviously not believing my excuse.

"I mean I get why, she's the first girl we've seen in a long time and she's pretty" he then went on "ill bet the next bacon I get that more than half of the boys here have a crush on her."

My knuckles curled into fists, and Minho had obviously realised my angered state as he replied to it,

"Sorry, no need to get defensive of your girlfriend." Then adding on "... that you've known for less than a day."

My fists relaxed, i wanted to be mad at what he was saying, but I had to admit he was right. I had only known this girl for less than a day, and she probably did have almost everyone in the glade on her back.

What Minho had just said brought up a thought: I don't even know her name.

I wanted to ask if she remembered her name. so I began looking around, seeing that she wasn't where u had seen her before, beside the fire.

As I looked around, I couldn't spot the girl anywhere. That had me wondering if her and Chuck had gone exploring. But at a closer look, I spotted a familiar face circled with boys.

Minho words came back to me,
boys have already started shooting their shot.

I moved my way through the gladers until there were only two people in the way of me and the six boys circling the greenie. But I heard something that halted me in my tracks

"Come on, you can drink more than that gorgeous," They were trying to peer pressure her into drinking. I was disgusted and disappointed that they were gladers, to my relief, the greenie then denied and was now walking away.

I was going to go up to her when one of the boys wrapped his hands around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. I immediately started walking up to her.

Before I could reach her, she shoved the boy off her, and I could hear her yell, "What is wrong with you!?"

She immediately turned around and punched the boy in the middle of his face, causing him to stumble backwards.

When he looked back up, you could see a line of blood dripping from his nose. I have no idea why, but I had this sense of pride in me.

???'s POV:

I had just punched the asshole in the face, and by god, it felt good.

When he looked back up at me, I could see his obviously now broken nose with blood dripping from it. Letting out a painful wince, he looked at me and screamed.

"You Crazy Bitch!" It didn't go unnoticed by the other boys as suddenly all eyes were on us. It felt really good to punch him, but as the other five came closer, I knew no matter how brave I was, a one on six, I'm not that stupid.

I did the only other option other than fighting, I fleed. The boys chased after me until I felt a strong hand push me behind them, grasping my hand in the process and not letting go.

"Why are you protecting this crazy shank," the boy from before asked. "She broke my nose, and now she's gonna pay for It!"

"Well, maybe you should think twice before harassing someone," the boy in front of me replied in a pissed off British accent that could only belong to one person... Newt

"I saw everything," he then continued. 'He saw everything' I suddenly now got embarrassed for even drinking the drink in the first place.

I only drank half a cup, yet it still had a massive toll on me. My vision was all blurry. I felt dizzy. Everything seemed to hurt. The last thing I remember was Alby coming over.

"What's happening here?" Before I finally subsided to the tiredness and blacked out, falling into the darkness.

The Original ( (y/n) x Newt )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora