Regular Day

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Trigger warning //
-mental illness
-implied suicide


A gentle ray of sunlight pierced through the leaves and branches of a canopy of a tall tree which sat near the back of a house, casting a large shadow up its side. The rays managed to crawl up and seep their way into the room of an open window, beige curtains tied up by lovely pink frilly string, and a small bed, sat just under it.

Despite the morning suns dancing rays on the face of one single inhabitant of said small bed, the being did not wake- at least not fully. He went in, and out of sleep. Periods of consciousness and unconsciousness, until finally his eyes were open, but he did not move. He simply continued to lay there, half lidded eyes glued onto the empty fading blue wall infront of him. He didnt want to be awake. He didnt want to be here, but, here he was non the less.

A sigh left him, and after a couple minutes of being awake, unmoving, staring at the wall, he finally shifted and reached his hand upwards to his bedside table. He felt along the top of the surface for a few moments, before finally settling his hand on the smooth cool surface of his phone, plugged into its charger. He first moved to pull the cable off of it, and then slowly slide the device  off of the desk before finally it sat on infront of his face.

It was a small habit. Not something he always did- but, it was what he did majority of the time. Check a few messages, notifications, wish a friend or two //"are we really friends?"// good morning, and then finally get up off of his bed after about one to two hours. -Definitely not that long in the slightest. Totally a morning person.-

He'd get up slowly, and despite how hard he'd try, he would always manage to get a small headache every time. A soft groan would leave him, and eventually he would stand up, move to his dresser, grab a small towel and a toothbrush and move to the bathroom.

Take a piss
Brush his teeth
Splash his face with some lovely cold water
Wipe, and then leave for the kitchen.

Breakfast! But not him, for the kids- er the pets.

He always fed them first, even if he might be a little late to wake up sometimes.
Two cats, queens in his eyes. Georgie and Georgia. He'd feed them something special today! A can of tuna each, since normally their intake consisted of homemade food, chicken and rice.

He was a bit glad he didnt consider feeding them something else.

Before he could even fully crack open a can, the soft meow of one of his fluffy ladies filled the quiet space of the small apartment room. He looked over, and managed his first smile of the morning.

"Well good morning Georgia..." he said in a flat tone, bringing a hand to itch at his chin for a moment as the fat calico tabby leaped up and made herself comfortable on the counter. "Wheres your sister?" He asked, returning his gaze to the can he continued to pry open. He didnt know what he was expecting, or if he did expect anything in the first place, but there was no response and the cat remained silent, purring quietly, loafed on the counter and waiting patiently for her meal. "Mh..." was his response to the silence, finally cracking one can fully open, scooping out the tuna and setting it in one bowl for his feline companion to enjoy. He set the bowl down, snapped his fingers twice, and down Georgia leapt to enjoy her meal.

Onto the other can, he took about the same amount of time opening it, and then with another bowl full of tuna he wondered the house, smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth between closed teeth, and calling her name periodically.

It wasnt to long before she made herself known, a soft mrrrow leaving her as she stretched and and rolled over. She was laying in a laundry basket, and that only made the man smile in response. He crouched down, giving her a gentle scratch under her chin before setting the bowl down next to her "goodmorning lady," he mused "breakfast is served, eat up, you've got places to be today"

And indeed they did.

The two cats were scheduled to leave to their new home today. A lovely family, Mrs and Mr Johnson, and their two kids Kayla and Jane. He was sure his cats would live the rest of their lives happily in that household. And that made him very happy. He hoped they wouldnt miss him, as much as he would miss them.

It wasnt long until he arrived, driving into and passing the next town over with his cats sat comfortably in the back of his small Toyota car which have seen better days. He dropped them off, along with their carriers, their bowls, their beds, toys, and that one scratching post they seemed to love so much.

"They'll feel better, if they have something they know in an unfamiliar place." He said with a smile as the two children helped to take the smaller items into the house. "Take care of them, would you?" He asked, looking to the father with a smile filled with mixed emotions. Happiness, sadness, hesitation, insecurity. He was unsure, but he wasnt turning back- at least he was forcing himself not to.

"Course, James. The kids'll love em." Mr Johnson responded with a closed eyed smile and a huff, giving the shorter man a hardy pat on the back, before trailing back inside, following the excited children who were long gone from sight.

James stared at Mr Jackson for a moment, watching the door shut behind him -entering one of the warmest homes James had personally seen for a while,- before sighing and entering his car once more. James sat there for a minute or two, hands on the wheel with the car cold and unmoving, as if he were uncertain as to where he was going next. He gazed at the road that stretched forward for what seemed like an eternity, before he finally decided to turn the key in the slot and after a few stutters, the car roared to life.

He reached for a closed compartment, opening it and pulling out a box of cigars which he carefully opened to take one of the smoke sticks from. He placed it between his lips and reached for a lighter next, one flick of his thumb against the tiny device sparked flames and was enough to turn the white end of his stick brown and then slowly black as smoke began to rise off of it.

He took a deep breath.
Somehow he didnt feel any better.

He rose his left hand from the wheel and brought it up and over, running it through his dark, ginger red hair, only to itch the back of his scalp for a few moments and then settle his hand back down onto the wheel. "James.." he repeated his own name. He hadn't remembered the last time someone called him that. He couldnt remember the last time someone spoke to him in such a friendly manner. It was a bit strange, but nothing to cling onto. There was no hope in the end.

With the car warmed up once more, engine fluttering with life, James pulled out from the side of the road and finally drive down the and out of sight. He mentally wished his cats another goodbye, as he knew he likely wouldnt be able to being himself to see them ever again.

He drove down the street, through and past that town once more and back into his own city. But he didnt stop once he saw his apartment, in fact he kept going. In all honesty he was just driving for driving sake, no intention of stopping, no idea where he was going.

James seemed endlessly calm. His deep blue eyes were empty and pale, like the sea on a good day.They were beautiful, but so cold. Despite his outward demeanor, he was thinking about alot of things, all at the same time- but also entirely not. He could describe to you in detail how the sky bent and the moments where it's about to fall, the way the colors of his surroundings bled into eachother but somehow didnt mix, how the clouds of this lovely day only seemed to mock his very existence.

He gripped the wheel, and only frowned a bit more than he already had been.

The sun was setting now. How long had he been driving for? He didnt know.
By the time he knew it, he was driving calmly with a lovely breeze in his hair. He was on a mountain, a road carved into its side. He knew this street,- it would lead to the beach- and he soon confirmed his suspicions when the smell of salt water entered his nostrils. He had been here before, but for whatever reason he couldnt remember for the life of him why.
But that didnt bother him.
He found himself simply staring down the side of the road, off the cliff, down into the few trees and rocks that resided below.

"What a long drop"

He couldnt help but think to himself. Brows once raised slowly relaxed and furrowed, eyes half lidded, and lips sat flat in a neutral shape.

The sharp sound of metail splitting and bolts flying from their spaces filled the air for a brief moment. The sound of a crash, trees shaking, and the birds taking off from a sudden fright, cawing loudly.

And then silence.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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