Chapter 3: Finding Them

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(Warnings: Injury, blood, swearing, mentions of death. I think that's all)(again fanart doesn't matter)


After some walking, Lilith stopped and gestured to the ground. "They were lying here, cold & asleep. I gave them a spare cloak & healing potion before leaving." King sniffed around before finding an empty bottle. "I'd assume this is the bottle from the potion," he said, holding out to Hunter. 

The boy took, hiding it in a bag he had with him. "Where did you say you saw that cave..? The one with the blanket over it's entrance."

Amity got a tight grasp on Luz hand as she headed in the direction she remembered the cave being. Hunter hurried after the couple with the rest of the group following.

Once they all got there, Hunter made no hesitation to push the curtain away & reveal a very tired person carving a staff. They looked up once the light from outside hit them, gasping at the sight of multiple people standing there.

They quickly shoved the staff & whittling supplies to the side, shakely standing up. They squinted at the group, coughing slightly as they did so. "Who… who are you..? Why does the blond remind me…" They were cut off by another cough, this time leaning against a stalactite for balance, covering their mouth. As the coughing fit ended, they winced & clutched their side with an arm while stumbling into a standing position. They were clearly not doing okay as they pointed at Hunter, murmuring something about familiar faces.

Hunter glanced at the rest of the group, motioning for them to leave. Amity & Lilith were more than happy too, Luz following Amity. Eda glanced between the group & Hunter before sighing.

"Listen. I don't really think you're as tough & rude as you pretend to be. That being said; if the day comes that you want to leave the Emperor, you can come to me at the Owl House. Plus, if your friend isn't really okay & you need some help healing them, you can just yell. Or carry them to the house. I don't care. But… if you betray us, I will not let you be. Understood?" the owl lady explained, getting ready to follow the rest of her group. Hunter nodded. "Thank you. And I mean that." Eda smiled before running after her group.

Hunter's thoughts were interrupted by another fit of hacks from the person behind him. When he turned, they had sunk to the ground. The grey face mask they'd had on was gone, and both their hands were barely containing the dark red liquid emitting from their mouth as they coughed.

Rascal left staff form as Hunter dropped it & ran over to them. When their coughing subsided, they shakily wiped their lips & looked up at Hunter. "Y-you look like him so much… you act like him too… b-but he's dead so y-you can't-" they were leaning on their arms now too, barely keeping their eyes locked with his magenta ones. His arms were delicately wrapped around them, since he was worried touching them would put them in more pain. His lips parted in a shaky smile. "No, Nex. I'm still here. I'm right here." 

Their two toned eyes widened at his words before they fell into him. He stroked their dusty brown hair before picking up their unconscious body & making his way to the Owl House.

(ooh angst. anyway. sorry if I missed any warnings, I did my best to find them all. have a nice day/night)

words: around 563

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