He was dying, that much was obvious. All his dreams, his hopes of becoming a hero, flushed down the toilet. Replaced by pain.

Denki had never understood the term "Love can kill." But now he understood it better than he ever could have.

"Focus!" Denki said, sitting up and staring at his hands, if he was going to die, he didn't want his last days to be like this.

Cooped up in his house, isolated from everyone he loved. He wanted to have fun, be happy, hang out with his friends. Most importantly, he didn't want to pity himself. He didn't want to mope around, or for anyone to feel sorry for him. That could be done after he was gone.

For now, he had to find out how he was going to hide this from his friends and the UA Faculty.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Your Lazy As Fuck Author-Chan~

Sunday Night

"So as long as I wear a mask, I'm able to keep the petals from spilling out....that should work..." Denki murmured, he had gone to the convenience store earlier that mourning.

He had found a red mask he could use to hide the blood and petals. That would have to do for now. He had also found that taking Advil would help alleviate the symptoms to some degree.

But still, something felt missing, he had determined what he was going to do before he died, but what about after? What if his death was so sudden no one knew what had happened to him?

Denki looked down at the floor, mulling over his options, before finally taking out his school notebook and pen, which were thankfully blank.

Letters, that would be the best idea. That way he could tell them after the fact, without leaving them too angry. Because he did want to explain to them, he just...couldn't. He wasn't strong enough to handle the sadness and pain.

Also, maybe if he just ignored the fact he had the disease, then all this wouldn't seem so real.

Denki looked at the piece of paper, he wanted to start writing, but the words wouldn't come to him. He sided and put away his notebook and pencil and went to his room.

~Another Fucking Time Skip~


Denki groaned and pulled his pillow over his ears, blinding reaching out his hand to turn off the alarm clock. He growled as he couldn't seem to find the off button. There was a snap of electricity and Kaminari smelled smoke.

"Not againnn" Denki whined, sitting up to see if there was any bad damage.

The alarm clock was probably fried at this point.

Denki got up and hurriedly got dressed, wanting to get to class early so he wouldn't meet anyone in the halls. Dashing out the door he started for the bus stop.

When he got to UA, he found that actually, quite a few students got there super early. Probably because they were taking stuff back to their dorm rooms since everyone usually spent the weekends at a friend's house or with their parents.

Denki slipped on his mask and hurriedly started for his classroom, hoping he wouldn't run into anyone he knew.

Fate, however, had different plans for him.

"Kamibro!" Denki heard his shark-toothed friend calling, he grimaced as he felt the ache build up in his chest.

He turned around to face his friends, Mina, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Sero.

Dying Love (BakuKiriKami) Book Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن