Miracle or Murderous?

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Josh is in trouble, thought Kendall, his nerves beginning to rise as he fought back the urge to begin hyperventilating, which he hadn't done in years. I have to find him...and Olivia, wherever she is.

The silence was interrupted by a bizarre crunching noise coming from nearby, followed by the loud sound of something heavy falling over. He froze, praying that it was just a trick of the brain, but his stomach lurched when he heard a loud, deafening crack followed. He remained rooted on the spot, listening for a noise and hoping for silence. Now everything had gone quiet. He turned, expecting to see one of the kidnappers running toward the source of the noise, but they didn't.

This whole place must be soundproofed, he thought. How else could they not hear something like that from down a hallway?

As he moved forward, he made contact with something in the darkness and heard a chair fall to the ground with a loud thud. Something moved nearby, and in a blind panic, he took off across the room, not wanting to stick around to find out what it was. As he ran, he could hear footsteps somewhere behind him. Grabbing the knob, he quickly slipped inside the door to the back rooms, his heart still racing as he hoped that his pursuing didn't catch where he went and that he would find help somewhere in these rooms of mystery.


For a few long seconds, Olivia and the creature remained in direct eye contact standing motionless about ten feet apart. The pale face was as unsettling as ever to behold, but she couldn't look away, not after what she had already heard.

"Cameron?" she said, her voice almost a squeak. "Is-is that you?"

The creature said nothing. It just stared at her. Olivia took a step back.

"Wait," came the voice. "Don't leave us."

Us? Olivia thought. Who else is in there?

"W-who are you?" she asked.

"Jake," said the voice.

"Is Cameron in there?" she said.

"Olivia!" came the same helpless voice from before. "Help us!"

"Cameron?" She took a step closer, her hand almost reaching out. "Is that really you?"

"Help us! It hurts so much!"

"What hurts?" Olivia asked, her instincts kicking in. She remembered tending to his imaginary wounds during their games, but this wasn't a game. This was real, and she had no idea what to do.

"Enough!" came a loud voice, causing Olivia to jump back and whimper. "Just get her!"

Olivia screamed as it came toward her. She ran over to the play structure and hopped onto the stairs. She heard it moving behind her. She tried to speed up, but tripped over one of the stairs. Turning around, she saw it towering over her.

"Wha-what do you want?" she said as tears began coming from her eyes.

"We want to help you," said the calmer voice that had identified itself as Jake. "Come with us. You don't have to be afraid. You can be with us. We'll be strong together!"

"But Cameron said he was hurting! Is he in pain?"

"Forget Cameron!" came the rough voice. "He's not used to it yet! Now come on! You're coming with us!"

"No!" Olivia cried. "Leave me alone!"

"Andrew, you're scaring her!" said Jake.

"I don't care!" Andrew shot back, while the face never changed expressions. "I've waited all these years for this moment and I've never felt better and more powerful than I do right now...and I'm not letting anyone take this away from me."

Five Nights at Freddy's-The Black HoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang