The First Day

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MONDAY, JULY 3, 2017, 6:17 AM

"Hi, you've reached Chris. I'm currently unable to take your call. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you whenever I can. Thank you."


"Hey, it's me again. Look, you're really asking the wrong person, here. Unfortunately, despite what some people may think, I wasn't really gifted with anything in the way of mechanical engineering, but I did spare some time to do a little research. It looks like that security device they've got is a prototype of a new computerized AI that's supposed to be intelligent enough to differentiate between common things such as coins and keys and more...well, unique things, as defined by whoever programs it. Basically, if anything or anyone carrying such specified contraband were to pass beneath the sensor, they wouldn't be able to go far without the whole world knowing...I think, but I'm no expert. That's all I got. Honestly, it sounds like you might be in a better position to get more information. Are you really sure there isn't anyone else around whom you can trust? There has to be someone you can ask who won't report you. Just sayin'. Well, I have work to do. Duty calls. Good luck. Let me know if anything interesting happens. Alright. Buh-bye!"



Josh stepped off of the bus after it had pulled to a stop. Given that his shifts typically started at nine, his father would be at work and his mother could also be busy with a client, so they both figured it would be best if he had a bus pass. It wasn't that long of a walk from his house to the bus stop, and fortunately, the stop near the restaurant was right in front, so it could've been worse.

As he walked in and passed Gary at the front desk, who still wore his same dull, uninterested face from the other day. As he passed by the main room, he noticed the dead silence inside. He briefly wondered what could be going on until he remembered that the place didn't actually open for business until noon.

He entered the locker room to find Susan sitting at the table, checking her phone. She heard his footsteps and looked up.

"Morning, newbie," she said playfully. "You ready for your first day of paradise?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm so excited I could explode," said Josh.

"Aren't we all?" said Susan, getting up. She walked over to the counter and picked up a folded shirt and pants. "Rebecca wanted me to give you these. It's your uniform. You'd better change real quick. Work starts in five minutes and you need to be in uniform and ready to go when you clock in."

He grabbed the clothes and walked into the nearby bathroom. As soon as he entered, he was nearly overcome by a horrible stench. He wondered what it could possibly be. It was an unusual smell, not like dirty socks one would expect to find in the vicinity of lockers. This smelled almost...rotten.

The air vent clicked above him and a breath of cool, fresh air filled the room from above, eliminating the mysterious stench. Josh shrugged it off and stepped into the stall to change. Within minutes, he was dressed in his shirt and pants. There was also a small name tag reading JOSH in tall, red letters.

"Well, this is it, I guess," he said to himself as he looked himself over in the mirror before heading back out into the locker room. Rebecca was standing there talking to Susan when she heard his approaching footsteps.

"Ah, there he is!" she announced with another one of her wide smiles. "I'm putting you with Susan in the cafe for your first few days to see how you get along."

"Ok," he said, giving Susan a quick glance. She smirked back at him.

"But first, there's another assignment I have for the both of you. Do you remember what Derek told you about our new safety straps?"

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