•Part 7•

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It's quite chilly outside and we walk for a little bit in silence I presume we are both just thinking over the events of what just happened in my cabin. Maybe the other girl wasn't important to him? I'm not sure but anyways he kissed me and I kissed him back that's all that matters.

Thank god Cindy was out with 'Tommy' otherwise he would've walked in whilst she was in there.

"So" Nick says to me as we pass the mess hall.

"What was that about?" I say cutting him off.

"Well if we replay the events I only leaned in you kissed back so maybe you should be asking yourself." He says smirking and completely ignoring my question.

We walk round holding hands for a little longer and I look at him just admiring him. I've never really kissed someone like that- I mean I have had my first kiss but that felt different, more exciting.

We head back up to my cabin and go inside of it. "Goodnight Ziggy." He says and smiles as he closes the door behind him leaving me in my cabin with my thoughts.

I flop onto the bed sort of wishing he stayed since now I'm alone. I get changed into some pyjamas and get into bed reading a book- I switched to a friendlier one since there is no way I'm reading horror at dark alone.

Eventually I snuggle up in the blanket and fall asleep. I woke up and got changed after having a shower. I wonder what time Cindy will be back I think as I brush my hair.

I head for breakfast as soon as the counsellors get there. Nick isn't there I wonder where he could be although it's not much of a surprise since he normally skips shifts since him and Tommy are pretty much in charge which is weird considering Nick is only on his first year of counselling and only a year older than me.

I daydream throughout breakfast at my little table alone about Nick, thinking back to last night and how amazing it felt to be pinned against a wall mouth to mouth with Nick Goode.

Cindy walks over to me as I'm still eating after around 45 minutes and sits down next to me. "How was last night?" She asks me smiling.

"Oh good." I say still gazing at thin air.

"Anything on your mind? You seem distracted." She says sounding slightly concerned.

"Nope nothing just another boring day." I say and walk over to throw the rest of my food away.

I head back to the cabin but plan to try and see Nick again today. On the way back I see him walking and he comes up to me.

"Hi Ziggy." He says smirking.

"Hi." I say slightly annoyed as he seems to be mocking me.

"So I was wondering if you wanted-" He begins and Sheila and Will walk by.

"Aww witchy has herself a friend." Sheila sneers and I give her a dirty look. "Why the fuck are you two out here anyway?"

"Yea if mum knew you were seeing some shadysider." Will says directing it at his brother.

"Well Will, you see I am a counsellor and she is a camper so instead of thinking anything sexual is going on between us think of the likelihood first." Nick says sarcastically to him clearly trying to make fun of him.

Will rolls his eyes and grabs sheilas hand and they walks away.

"Well that was fun." I say to him and give him a look.

"Yea whatever I saved your ass again from sheila, I think we both know if you were alone they would've taken you and done some witchy ritual again." He says laughing. I laugh and he continues with his question. "So I was wondering if you wanted to come to my cabin later."

"Oh ok so pretty much proving Wills point of being 'sexual'" I say crossing my arms.

"Actually I had other plans but if your down." He says smirking at me sarcastically.

"No ew." I quickly say, panicked.

"Sure you know you enjoyed yourself last night." He says and winks at me, "anyway just be there at 6." He says to me and walks away.

I go back to my cabin and spend the rest of the day with Cindy plaiting each other's hair and just talking in general.

"Do you think it's wrong to love a girl if you um are a girl Ziggy?" She asks me looking away whilst braiding my hair.

"Why who's this about?" I say back.

"Oh uh a friend asked me and wanted a second opinion." She says back nervously.

You see I know Cindy doesn't love Tommy like she says she does I think she just wants him to fit in with her 'perfect' life plan. It's quite plainly obvious she's not straight anyway.

"I think it's fine." I say back smiling.

"Oh yea same." She says clearly happier than before.

Before long it's time to dinner at around 5. I head down with Cindy and we get a table with Alice Gary and Joan- Tommy is counselling or something. He probably had to take over Nicks shift since he's such a lazy ass.

I finish my food quickly trying to get back as I have to meet Nick at 6.

"Oh Cindy by the way I have a friend I'm meeting tonight." I say standing up in a rush so she won't ask questions.

"Who? Will you be back tonight?" She asks me.

"Um not sure." I say quickly and hurry over to put my food away.

I turn round and she's staring at me confused, I ignore her and run out to go and get changed before I see him.

I get changed and leave my cabin whilst the sun is setting- the sky turns a musty grey by the time I arrive.

I knock and he opens it. "Well hello ziggy berman." He says to me, "what brings you here?" He teases and I roll my eyes at him and walk in.

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