•Part 1•

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Ziggy's pov: :)) -some of this part is canon at the end!-

God camp is so dull I think sitting in my isolated cabin while rain drips down the wooden window sills. Even Cindy won't hang out with me, I thought summer camp was going to be fun this year but no.

I grab the little music player and put in a disc to play as I write in my journal and draw a picture of my skateboard that I was forced to conveniently leave at home due to camp rules.

I really did wish to make friends this year I think listening to the happy music whining out of the player. I don't understand why Sheila and her mates bully me. I turn over the page and draw some outfit ideas to try and create when I get back.

Eventually Cindy comes back to the cabin to get changed into a dirty shirt as to not ruin her perfect polo shirt.

"I'm bored is there anything to do?" I ask her looking up.

"Well I'm monitoring the archery and then cleaning the outhouse with Tommy. Some of the other councillors will be around you can ask them there must be something to do." She says smiling and puts away her polo neatly, "the Goodes' are running an activity I think it's painting records or something similar you should check it out at the mess hall."

"Ok." I say biting my lip and finish scribbling in some patterns on the outfits I drew as she leaves the cabin.

I shove my book into the box under my bed and through on a rain jacket after turning off the machine and grabbing an old record from my drawer to paint. I chuck on my worn black converse and head out the door for the mess hall.

The rain has collected in little puddles and it soaks through my shoes into my socks as I try to avoid them. Ugh I think and almost slip over on some mud. I make it to the mess hall however and walk inside to loud music playing as kids are lined up sitting at tables painting.

I walk over to the counsellor Will Goode and stand in front of him.

"What do you want Ziggy Berman?" He asks clearly annoyed at the mere presence of me.

"What do you think dipsh*t" I say sarcastically and he looks at me sourly as though he's ready to through a punch.

"I swear to god Berman if you don't behave you're out, you're on your last-" He says cut off by his older brother Nick elbowing him in the rib.

"Sorry Ziggy, table three you can paint there." Nick says and I roll my eyes and give a dirty look to Will as I walk over.

I sit down and watch the Goodes fight in conversation. Such idiots I think 'protectors of sunnyvale' yet they aren't even decent people. I shake my head and pull out my disc to paint. I paint little flowers and drops of water on it as more and more rain pours down outside.

My table finishes one by one leaving me and I pack up ready to leave as one of the last. I walk past Will and Nick who are still sitting at the table and greet them with "suck it Goode." And hold up middle finger up at them as I walk out.

I walk back to my cabin to find Cindy there with Joan and Tommy.

"Hi?" I say walking in and throwing off my jacket onto the floor as all the water collects in a little puddle and I kick my shoes off on top.

"Oh yea hi Ziggy sorry I didn't come by and say, archery was cancelled and we still have 20 minutes until we have to clean the outhouse." Cindy says and the others nod and smile.

I can't be bothered with their wannabe Sunnyvale asses so I say, "yea I'm meeting someone now anyway." And put back on my shoes awkwardly, "I forgot." And I walk out the door I realise I left my coat and I have no idea where to go or what to do.

I begin walking round and head to the field near the hanging tree where the witch Sarah fire was hung as the sun begins to shine and my clothes dry in its beams.

I walk past it and into the woods to do a loop round and hopefully miss my sister and her friends on the way.

As I head round the little path I hear some twigs snap and some murmuring from in front of me so I head back round to the field where the tree is to try and avoid these other people as I can't be bothered.

I make it out to the field and head people running up to me from behind and as I hear the laughs I realise it's Sheila and her friends.

One of her friends grab my hands as I spin round and hold them tightly behind my back. I look at everyone and see Will tagging along with them and roll my eyes as I huff at them.

"What Sheila what do you want." I say and give her a dirty look.

"You took my money out of my cabin." She says accusing me and I laugh as I make a face at her.

"Yea sure because as if I haven't been sitting in my cabin all day and then went to paint for an hour or two. Oh and by the way why the hell would I want your trashy money?" I ask her humbling her.

"I'm a Sunnyvaler do we need another reason? No ok." She says spitting at me.

The girl holding me back suddenly says, "I say she is possessed by Sarah fier." And they all howl and ooo at each other.

I kick the girl behind me in an attempt to escape which only firms her grip, "oo shes feisty." Sheila says, "I know since she's possessed might as well give her the full experience let's burn her like they should've done all those years ago." She suggests smirking menacingly.

The drag me and kick my ankles to get me over to the tree as they all search their pockets for something to keep me still with and Will pulls out a thick piece of string. I bite my lip with rage as they tie me up and Sheila produces a lighter from her pocket.

She holds it up to my arm as they all chant burn the witch. I flinch in pain as it burns through my skin making a mark, I close my eyes in pain.

Suddenly she draws the lighter away from me and I hear them all fidgeting around so I open my eyes slowly. Nick stands there eyeing his brother and asking questions about what tf is going on.

"She stole from me we all saw her." Sheila pleads and I roll my eyes as one of the girls pulls me down and throws me onto Nick. I regain balance and look behind at him as I stand up straight out of embarrassment.

"Did you all?" Nick says targeting Will. Will rolls his eyes.

"I'm not dealing with this bullsh*t" Sheila says and walks away. The other girls squirm clearly threatened as Nick wraps his arms tightly around me incase I try to follow her or throw a punch or something.

I manage to break free of his hold and stagger forward.

"Ziggy needs to go she causes too many issues." Will says as him and Nick argue over my fate at the camp.

"Just let it slide." Nick says back clearly aggravated. Will huffs.

"Just shut up I'm not going to be another shadysider that's pushed around by the Goodes" I say annoyed and walk off. Nick follows me and leaves Will with sheila's minions.

Ziggy + Nick <3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang