Within her Castle Walls

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Lily unplugged her phone,grabbed her keys and went out the door hastily.It was afternoon now.The mystery man had told her to meet him at 2:00 pm sharp.It was now 1 pm.
She closed the door of her car and quickly copied the coordinates the man had given her to Google maps.

The location she found out was something she did not expect.
The marker was placed in the middle of a forest about 3 miles away from her current location.She hesitated a bit before starting her car up and driving off.


"Hello?"said Lily softly.
She checked her phone,it was now 2:06 pm.There was a rustle of leaves behind her.She quickly spun around to see a man in a hoodie and a mask.
The man had seemed to appear out of thin air.

There was silence,Lily had so many questions but could not bring herself to speak.The silence was finally broken by the man.

"Lily Cadieux,did you come here alone?"

"Yes,I'm alone."she answered hastily.

"You probably have a million questions in your head right now."the man spoke

"What's the important info you were talking about?"she asked trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

The man with a fluid motion took out a flash drive from his pocket and handed it to her.
She hesitated but retrieved the flash drive from him.

"There's a solar storm approaching.It will destroy all technology on earth in 2 months."the man stuttered as he said these words.

"Is this your idea of a joke?"
Lily said sounding annoyed.

"Your corporation already knew of the imminent threat to earth.It-"

The man was cut off by Lily
"Do you have any proof for what you just said?"

"You may want to check your phone."
Just as he said these words,Lily's phone started buzzing.She took it out and noticed a dozen new notifications.She clicked on one of them and stared wide eyed at the news.

"We have just gotten statements from the Red Nexus ASD(Astronomical department) about a cataclysmic event called a "solar storm" which is  now headed towards the earth.The head scientist of the department has already calculated that the storm will hit earth in 2 months and 3 days.The head scientist has stated that the storm will disable every form of technology on earth.World government has been adviced to make underground safe zones for the population-"

Lily shut off her phone and stared at man who hadn't moved the entire time.

"Why would Red Nexus keep this information from the world if they already knew of the implications?"

"The flash drive will explain everything."the man answered

Lily stood a long moment staring at the flash drive in her hand.She looked up to ask something but the man was gone.She stood there dumfounded and then made a dash for her car.

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