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TW(s): Mentions of sui**** (If I need to add any just let me know)

AU: Despair      


     Makoto and Byakuya laid on the ground in the sunflower field. The sun shone brightly above them, beaming down making their faces warm. They laid closely together, watching clouds and telling each other what they looked like. Birds chirped, and the wind blew a bit making the flowers sway slightly. 

     It was a hot summer day, just like any other. The two males woke up around eleven A.M and decided to have a lazy day, cuddling up with each other. They haven't done anything affectionate in a while because of work and their crazy schedules. But even though the men didn't cuddle often anymore, they loved each other very much. As the day went on, Makoto started seeing some..rather unpleasant clouds forming.

     He looked at the sky and saw his former classmates as clouds; the clouds representing what they looked like taking their final breaths. Makoto didn't know how to handle what he saw and broke into tears. He tried to cling to Byakuya, but he wasn't there. No one was there to help the poor boy. "Makoto, you promised you would save us all. You let us down, Makoto..." A dead Sayaka Maizono said, her words with slight venom. "I-I'm so s-sorry," He was crying seeing all his friends in a terrible state. "You promised us man, and look what fuckin' happened." "Yeah you tell him bro!"

     All of his classmates started yelling at him about how the brunette had let them down, and how they didn't save them. He was crying hysterically, wanting someone to hug him, to save him. But no one was there, like how he wasn't there for them...


"Makoto! Wake up!" Makoto was shaken awake by his lover, Byakuya. Byakuya noticed his boyfriend stirring in the bed, and as he looked over to check on him, he had tears streaming down his face. He immediately started to wake up the smaller male. As Makoto was waking up a bit and realizing where he was, he lounged himself at Byakuya. He cried into his chest, as the blonde ran his fingers through the others soft brown hair. "Shh it's OK baby, I'm here. You're OK, and so am I. There's nothing wron-" "No! There is something wrong Byakuya! I survived that terrible game and let my friends get killed! I promised them they would live but I let them down!" Makoto hiccuped in between sentences, he could barely breathe. "Baby, don't think that. You didn't do anything wrong," The tall man kissed his shorter boyfriend, "You had no control over what happened, OK?" Makoto tried to calm himself down a bit, which helped for a little while.

     "I-I'm so sorry Byakuya," The blonde was confused as to why Makoto was saying sorry, "Why are you apologizing, love?" "Because I woke you up by my stupid crying. I'm so selfish" Byakuya pulled Makoto into his lap, and rubbed his back gently. He ran his fingers through the brunette's hair, as the small boy tried to control his crying. "You are not selfish. I promise you, our friends would not feel that you are. I love you Koto, please know you did nothing wrong." Byakuya kissed the top of Makoto's head and pulled him closer, Makoto gripping Byakya shirt hard as clarification he won't leave him.

     Most nights were like this after the killing game. Byakuya expected it, and no matter what he said the brunette continued to have nightmares. Both men were tired of the survivors' guilt, but the blonde knew they would get through it. Byakuya tried getting the others, like Kyoko and Aoi to help him but it never worked.

     Makoto just wanted to be happy again, with his friends and family by his side. He wanted to be able to sleep without waking up in a sweat, crying. He wished to be happy, and not cry to Byakuya almost every night. He felt weak, and he didn't like it one bit.

     For several months after Makoto continued to have these nightmares. He hated himself more, and more. He didn't want to exist, we wanted to leave this filthy, unapologetic world more than anything. But he didn't.

     Makoto didn't have to do it himself, because the world around him fell. Destruction everywhere you went. Burning buildings, people crying and bleeding, begging for their lives. Even though Makoto and the other survivors escaped Hopes Peak, they never stopped Junko Enoshima. They were too selfish; they helped themselves escape but didn't care about anyone else. Or that's what the whole world kept saying. But that doesn't matter anymore does it? Junko watched as the world burned, everyone fell deep into despair and died. All because of a small brunette male and his former classmates. 


Ok I kinda just came up with this on the spot, well rlly the ending. I don't know if I like it much haha, but I hope you somewhat did.

Enjoy the rest of you day/night

Word count: 788

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